Roger Pielke Sr is, in my opinion, a climate scientist who puts - TopicsExpress


Roger Pielke Sr is, in my opinion, a climate scientist who puts science above politics, unlike many others in the field. Below is his critique of the process used by the IPCC in developing the most recent statement on climate. As Pielke has repeatedly noted, none of the computer programs upon which the IPCC conclusions are based has been shown to be able to accurately predict how the climate will develop. The whole process reminds me of Lysenkoism in the old Soviet Union regarding inheritance of acquired traits. This set back Soviet Biological research for decades and was based on politics, not science. By Roger A. Pielke Sr. I served on the AGU Panel to draft the updated Position Statement on “Human Impacts on Climate”. We were charged by the AGU to provide “… up-to-date statement [that] will assure that AGU members, the public, and policy makers have a more current point of reference for discussion of climate change science that is intrinsically relevant to national and international policy.” In my view, this means we were tasked to report on the most important aspects of climate change. This was incompletely done in the Statement, where they inaccurately, in my view, discuss a view of climate change that is dominated by the emission of CO2 and a few other greenhouse gases. Indeed, the Committee, under the direction of Jerry North, with the report writing subgroup led by Susan Hassol, was clearly motivated to produce a Statement of this one particular view. Under his leadership, other views were never given an adequate opportunity to be discussed. The Committee, instead of presenting the actual state of scientific understanding on the issue of climate change, used the following approach, as summarized in my son’s book “The Honest Broker” Scientific activity is diverse enough to provide information that can be used to support different perspectives on any topic … [to] decide the course of action and then find information to back it up is a common practice across the political spectrum. “ The Committee leadership already had a course of action in mind even when we were appointed.......... wattsupwiththat/2013/08/05/pielkes-response-to-agu-statement-on-climate-change/
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:01:39 +0000

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