Roger Waters, formerly of Pink Floyd, comparing the modern Israeli - TopicsExpress


Roger Waters, formerly of Pink Floyd, comparing the modern Israeli state to Nazi Germany have put him at the centre of a furious dispute. ■ Performers and religious figures reacted angrily to the veteran rock star’s argument that Israeli treatment of the Palestinians can be compared to the atrocities of Nazi Germany. “The parallels with what went on in the 1930s in Germany are so crushingly obvious,” Waters said in an American online interview last week. — Speaking from New York on Saturday night, Waters strongly rejected Rabbi Boteach’s attack of his views. Waters said: “I do not know Rabbi Boteach, and am not prepared to get into a slanging match with him. I have nothing against Jews or Israelis, and I am not antisemitic. — I deplore the policies of the Israeli government in the occupied territories and Gaza. They are immoral, inhuman and illegal. I will continue my non-violent protests as long as the government of Israel continues with these policies. ■ Zionist and NAZI similarities: To see the striking comparison of the NAZI destruction of a town in WWII and the IDFs massacre of a Palestinian town in Jul 2014, click link, https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10204613703012885&set=a.1110564654688.17390.1544033158&type=3&theater — Waters, 70, a well-known supporter of the Palestinian cause, has frequently defended himself against Zionist accusations that he is antisemitic, claiming he has a right to urge fellow artists to boycott Israel. >Ref, Roger Waters compares Zionist Israel to Nazi Germany,
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 22:29:59 +0000

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