Rogue parliament ? And they want to disband JSC on account of , - TopicsExpress


Rogue parliament ? And they want to disband JSC on account of , rogue JSC ! .... MUNGU saidia Kenya ! Hata wameambukiza urogue kwa county assemblies kiasi cha kuwa UGATUZI uko hatarini sababu ya mgomo wa MCAs ! Can you believe it! March tualiandika mps na mcas kutoka March mpaka saa mambo ni, mishahara,marupurupu...nk! Where is the leadership in this country? Why is the country going to the dogs, as we watch? Why are Kenyans held at ransom, and forced to increase legislators perks, unconstitutionally ? Where is the beloved constitution , our shield and defender ! No wonder some smart Kenyans have also taken a cue from our leaders and are now busy demanding , ransom from victims n hostages, left, center and right! Somethin gonna snap , sooner than later...unless UHURUTO , put their foot down and control these legislators...... , I really loved it when UHURU at the funeral service of MUTULA Kilonzo, he directed the legislators to wait for the economy to stabilize before demanding higher perks! He repeated this in parliament and a few other places! Then came RUTO, in his private residence in Karen, accented to their demands and even more! Then the world around us collapsed. The center could no longer hold! The teachers then demanded, and got, their pound of the flesh...! As if that was not enough the MCAs joined the never ending chorus of higher, bigger,better perks!..... As we speak most money earmarked for counties will simply go to personnel emoluments , little or nothing for tangible development.... One year is gone, the main agendas I see at the county level is recruitment and more infinitum! The people on the ground are waiting, waiting for water,roads,schools....... Unless some miracle happens, Kenyans may end up a very disappointed lot come five years from now! Even parliament are fighting supremacy battles, so is the judiciary ! Who will calm this Kenyan boat and bring back to the VISION 2030 HIGHWAY....? We have lost the script, and we have taken unprecedented panya the expense of real time DEVELOPMENT !, All we needed was an economic majimbo or UGATUZI finances....goin directly to WANJIKU,FATUMA,KADZO, see what we got ! Bloated parliament massive overheads, increased wage bill increased taxation , all aimed at supporting the FAT CAT WAGEBILL OF KENYA! The vision 2030, remains, just that, vision 2030!
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 07:07:06 +0000

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