Rohingya Daily News 7 Sep - TopicsExpress


Rohingya Daily News 7 Sep 2014. youtube/watch?v=aXXO0NMXPi4&feature=em-upload_owner#action=shareyoutube/watch?v=aXXO0NMXPi4&feature=em-upload_owner#action=share Maung Kyaw Nu 1 day ago Two Years with No Moon : Immigration Detention of Children inThailand 10 :00 am,Tuesday September 2nd ,2014 Foreign Corespondents Club of Thailand . The BRAT President U Maung Kyaw Nu and Central members Mr. Abdul Maboud , Mr. Younus Gorameah and Mr. Mohamad Solim participated Press Conference Human Rights Watch report, Two Years with No Moon : Immigration Detention of Children inThailand 10 :00 am,Tuesday September 2nd ,2014 Foreign Corespondents Club of Thailand . Migrant Children detained in Thailand are suffering needlessly in filthy,overcrowded cells without adequate nutrition, speaker Ms. Alice Farmer said , Refugee Specialist and Childrens Rights Researcher at Human Rights Watch and Author of Report, Detention lockup is no place no place for migrant children The 67-page report ,Two Years with No Moon :.Immigration Detention of Children inThailand details how Thailands use the 67 page report, Two Years with No Moon: Immigration Detention of Children in Thailand. details how Thailands use of immigration detention violates childrens rights,risk their health and wellbeings, and imperils their developments. The Thai government should stop detaining children on immigration grounds, Human Rights Watch said. Some important persons were attended the event and took part at Q &A times. The HRW ,Fortify Rights , UNHCR ,Embassies representatives ,NGOs ,Media groups were there. I raised of stateless (undocumented children at the family lists) in Arakan due to 2 CHILD POLICY of government specially for Rohingya . There are many undocumented children came into Thailand by boat by their nearest persons because these children are not allowed to access any rights in their own country.In Thailand most of these boat people are ended either fall at human traffickers . Most cases these children are given education by Thai Muslim NGOs and focus on Religion curriculum and some strange language . They also force Rohingya childrens living style and forcing putting cap and scarf all the times . As we are moderate Muslim , we dont like to see any of our children grow up as radical ways. The children should be taken care under the super vision of UNHCR not by the any Religious NGOs . As per international law the children should get freedom and have rights to reunion with their parents. They need live freely and not in detention centers. So ,I ask the civil society through HRW to convince the host country to respect the children Rights . Every Rohingya child should get education and freedom . In the main times ,the Thai government , UNHCR and International NGOs should work to stop human trafficking and rescue the captives . The Rohingya refugee could be honored international standard . In response of question and presentation ,Ms.Alice Farmer of HRW positively answered all my questions . Please watch her speech and answering at YouTube. The UNHCR Senior Regional Public Relation officer Ms. Vivan Tan also raised the Rohingya detainees issue . Please watch the video at YouTube . The BRAT members with many participants ,speakers including Ms. Vivan of UNHCR . Maung Kyaw Nu BRAT rohingyathai.blogspot youtube/watch?v=kH9cDS3u_1U&
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 05:44:51 +0000

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