Roles and Duties of the Vice President in Organization. - TopicsExpress


Roles and Duties of the Vice President in Organization. Heading Departments One of a vice presidents major roles within an organization is the oversight of one or more departments. While the organizations president, chief executive officer or board of directors oversee general operations, vice presidents deal with the specific operations of each department or branch. This generally involves department operations and budgeting, as well as general leadership and accountability for a departments performance. Vice presidents apply special knowledge, experience or skills to make departments run smoothly and in tandem with other parts of the organization. Reporting to the President In a traditional organizational structure, vice presidents report directly to the president. Some organizations have a single vice president, but large businesses have dozens, each of whom serves the role of liaison between the president and leaders within a department. Reporting to the president involves periodic performance updates. The vice president also relays important information from the president to other workers. Related Reading: What Does Flattening of Hierarchy Mean? Collaborating on Strategy Vice presidents often play important strategic roles within organizations, because they understand both the long-term goals of the organization as a whole and the specific resources of their departments. Vice presidents collaborate with one another and with other executives to establish strategic objectives -- specific achievement milestones that move an organization towards its overall goals. Besides representing their departments, vice presidents use their knowledge of business operations to suggest tactics and evaluate performance. Managing Personnel Vice presidents also serve top-level managerial roles in organizations. While a vice president may not become directly involved in day-to-day human resources decisions, shes still in charge of setting hiring goals and managing payroll budgets for her department. This may include conferring with human resources staff to indicate the types of candidates who are preferred for job openings. Vice presidents also use managerial techniques to motivate their staffs, including setting objectives, recognizing achievements and establishing incentives such as bonus compensation. Sponsored Links
Posted on: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 17:30:48 +0000

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