Roll away your stone good people. I see X-men convinced that - TopicsExpress


Roll away your stone good people. I see X-men convinced that they are weak and helpless. I watch as they complain on Facebook day after day about their self assured victim hood. I want to grab them and shake them, and say, You are a hero fool. Wake up! but we all know to NEVER shake a baby. And babes they have been convinced to be, ignorant of their own power, they never develop it. To distracted and conditioned. Tied into chains they do not understand, repeatedly told by the little voices inside that they have it all figured out. You dont beat a hero by force, you convince them they are not heros. The voices whisper over and over, You are only Clark Kent. Only Clark Kent. And you succum to pain, take your medicine, assured life is hell, and run away from heaven you can help create to jump down rabbit holes of constant ever present distraction. But I KNOW theres another voice inside you that sees past this. Understands the ruse, wants to believe you are more, beyond the constant whispers of insanity that convince you to also be. Take control of your story. Narrate it in a different manner. You are not helpless victim 6,789,746,342, you are hero 1, who has been chained and enslaved in your own mind. You are not this weak, not this broken. Wake up. Push back. Life is resistance training, not punishment. Hard times are challenges that prove who you are, not abuse to convince you of your littleness. All you need to do is change your mind good people. The world DESPERATELY needs you to wake up and see things from a new perspective. Make no mistake Neo. YOU ARE IN THE MATRIX. Its in the food you eat, the pills you take, the distractions you use, the excuses you make, the views you share with the rest of the world that life sucks. Its in the money you spend, a system thats been around before you where born. Look closer. Question. DO NOT ACCEPT ANSWERS FREELY GIVEN! You are Gods and Goddesses, and the power mongers that feed on your energy, dont want you to know that. They need your faith in them. In the pre supplied heroes and Demi-Gods. Your worship comes in the form of adoration, money, and effort applied. Waste it not on them. It is YOURS, and when you turn it inwards, the evolution will be immediate and beyond your wildest dreams. You just have to choose to believe you are stronger than this. https://youtube/watch?v=2O-BwV0DDUY
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 17:05:57 +0000

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