Rolling in Deep this many of you know I/we have had - TopicsExpress


Rolling in Deep this many of you know I/we have had two close friends suffer the loss of their babies...this morning My sister were sharing with each other and swapping revelations that God has given us concerning these matters...I want to try to share, in hope that it might bring peace to others with the same questions we have...This is how my conversation with God started...I just dont get it, Lord...both of these families are warriors for you and they are surrounded by Generals of Faith....all of sudden my own Faith was in front of me and I said, wait a minute, hold everything,...and I felt this huge shift in me...I was strolling through Target as this is happening and I am wondering, Should I go sit down, I am feeling a bit OVERWHELMED...I continued to walk, as this absolute KNOWING fell over me and consumed me, IF you KNOW GAIL, and you do, THAT YOUR GOD IS GOOD, AND HE WORKS ALL THINGS FOR GOOD FOR THEM THAT LOVE HIM AND ARE CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE...yeah?, THEN YOU CAN NOT GRASP, THINK, IMAGINE, CONCEIVE, WHAT IS AHEAD...WHAT FATHER HAS AHEAD FOR THESE TWO COUPLES IS BEYOND, THE HORRIFICness of loosing a child, IN TOTAL GREATNESS...I so know that as bad as these two families are suffering, I can be ecstatic for them for what God is going to do in and through these two incidences, I have never been more convinced of the Love and Goodness of God than I am in this moment, and it is through the lens of the greatest tragedies that I can imagine that He is sealing this truth in me and wants to do the same for you....I am not good at articulating, but I pray Holy Spirit will work this rev bomb in you as well, I am not just lamely speaking and trying to comfort with Hollow words and nor does God want to do this....Thank you to the parents of these precious little ones for sharing your sorrow, your pain in a manner that we could see the goodness of God in your lives and learn such awesome Truth about our God...Blessed are you who mourn, and blessed am I because of you...All are called, and All of us can gain Good that is promised to us, through these happenings...God is so faithful, His mercy and Goodness is tangible to us today as we stand in the gap for our friends...Search His heart, ask the questions that you have and allow him to answer....I pray that my heart, better yet, Gods heart is revealed in this post...that no commercialism or offensive thoughts are provoked...just processing and growing, sharing for others who are questioning....
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 16:35:58 +0000

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