Rom 1:25 says - "Who changed the truth of God into a - TopicsExpress


Rom 1:25 says - "Who changed the truth of God into a lie..." BELIEVE IT OR NOT! This is happening alot in some "Christian" circles! There are MANY who are EXCHANGING the TRUE GOD for a GOD OF THEIR OWN IMAGINATION. They are excluding the knowledge of a PURE GOD to worship IMPURE IDOLS - that give sanction to their lusts. Some would argue - WE HAVE NO IDOLS! I BEG TO DIFFER! That DOCTRINE that you are embracing that EXCUSES your FLESHLY LUSTS in the name of FREEDOM is an IDOL! And that IDOL of yours (false doctrine) has caused you to "CHANGE THE TRUTH OF GOD FOR A LIE." Just because you have a "gathering" or "group" that believes just like you DOES NOT sanction this "belief" or "IDOL." What did JESUS - the ONE before WHOM we will ALL stand and to WHOM we will one day give an account - say? In Mat 7:13-14, He said - "Enter ye in at the STRAIT GATE: for WIDE is the GATE, and BROAD is the WAY, that LEADETH to DESTRUCTION, and MANY THERE BE WHICH GO IN THEREAT: Because STRAIT is the GATE, and NARROW is the WAY, which LEADETH unto LIFE, and FEW THERE BE THAT FIND IT." When you stand before JESUS, He may just quote these verses to you! WHAT WILL YOU SAY THEN? Will your IDOL (false doctrine that gives sanction to your worldly lusts) be able to STAND before the TRUTH HIMSELF? (Hint - I fear for you!!!!!)
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 15:09:59 +0000

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