Roma began to show televised events to remember the most important - TopicsExpress


Roma began to show televised events to remember the most important events that took place last week and the occupation , which was highlighted by the occupation of Daniel Bryan fans of the circuit and the declaration of a formal confrontation between him and Triple H in View Festival Alrsalmanaa 30 . Back then executive director of Triple H center of the ring and took the crowd chanted against shrugged , and began talking with them and make them responsible for what has happened and what will happen , and vowing to destroy all their dreams and destroy movement Yes , stressing that he still has time to relax before the next confrontation . The Triple H that he has two things he wants to talk about them and confront Brian was first man to man , did not complete his speech and Hunter was surprised to enter the star Dave Batista to the ring who was heckled also great . Began Batista interview with Triple H saying he knows that there are differences between him and Daniel Bryan you there also happened between Batista and Triple H and asked him who thinks himself to take such a decision , which granted through the face of the goat - as described - the opportunity to compete for the title of WWE heavyweight and confirmed that he returned to become a hero of the Union . He asked Triple H surprising if Batista thinks that Daniel Bryan is able to defeat , intervention WWE Champion Heavyweight and said words similar, which said Batista yours discretely largest , returning Triple H to wonder what has happened to them and whether they believe actually that Brian is able to defeat in Alrslimaa 30 . Re Batista is shocked Triple H , saying that he actually believes that he is capable of winning , enter Orton and Triple H asked Aqahmh that in order to remain against Brian knows that little man unless he could teach him a Batista , who lost to him previously . Debate has raged between Batista and Orton then forcing Triple H to leave the ring, and before he came down to earth a request from Batista back and resolve this confusion and lack of withdrawal Thus , ported Triple H said that he had got tired of all this nonsense is the star Senymaúa who returned to thinks he knows Aloamla management in WWE more of it. He also got tired of the hero ( Randy Orton ) who can not win any still without help him at all, and announced Triple H confrontation for the title will be a trilogy on all cases , where the winner Penzalh will be a third party in a major confrontation , and said that it would be Mtwajadda after that defeated Bryan in that confrontation. Triple H left the ring , allowing Orton to hit him with RKO expounded on the track . After the interval advertising Batista appeared wearing his clothes and goes behind the scenes to inflict announcer Rene Young and ask him for his opinion of what happened in the ring a little while ago , and he replied that he believes that his return was a big mistake, so he will leave the Union . The first bout ( Still no title ) Sizarro team and Jack Swagger - unbeaten team - Jimmy and Jay Ozzouz Video aired a special new chain which carried the name of Peace City SLAM CITY which is a series that tells the Animated and a number of top stars were expelled from wrestling and other professions are working . The series is a short videos are renewed every week and you can watch the first rings through our by clicking here. Showing footage of a dispute with the director of operations Ken Shield team in the presentation of SmackDown last after losing to Big Show cleanly , then Ken appeared backstage talking with Dean Ambrose and Roman Raines and Seth Rollins said that the unfortunate events of last week have got . Said Ken that the administrative authority in the WWE feet granted some concessions to overcome what happened and those features to contracts , Kane said he wants the team shield united and offers his full support and he asked if he could rely on them in this regard , The response team shield sarcastically implied that he can so . Horne appeared Gladiator dwarf beside the ring deployment Swagl some gifts on the occasion of Damaher St Patricks Day at the Irish , income Shems then to the ring wearing a T-shirt carrying a new green and celebrated with him Swagl Circuit . Followed wrestler Titus ONeil , who entered wearing a hat and a red beard mocking Shems . The second bout Gladiator Shems - defeated - Titus ONeil Conducted announcer Rene Young interview with Gladiator Shems and asked him how he would spend the rest of the night after Forzh on Titus ONeil , thanks Shems masses present in this day and announced its entry to the Battle Royal Cup Andre the Giant in Alrslimaa 30 , surprise Shems after that attack, a violent wrestler Christian as he was leaving of the circuit . He also presented the latest promotional video , but this time of the confrontation between large and motorcycle shop Undertaker and Brock Lesnar fierce display Alrslimaa 30 . The announcement was also on the participation of the legendary star Arnold Schwarzenegger Senymaúa accompanied by one of the stars in the show Roma next week . Income John Cena to the ring and he was heckled overcome the cries of his fans , and began to talk , praising the crowd and said that a lot of energy present in this hall , and began to speak about his career with the WWE , which fought in which more than three thousand still and assured the fans that always gave his best and was honest with them . John Cena announced that he genuinely afraid of the face wrestler Bray Lite because it is different from all the wrestlers who confronted Aterbl of H Rock and other top stars , and said he feared promises Bray , who had threatened to destroy his legacy in the world of wrestling. But nevertheless will fight with all of his strong and to protect the great legacy . Back then Gladiator Bray White through the big screen and is dressed John Cena and purposes other and said that people believe in heroes Superheroes and fate sent him to these poor people , and then take the fun of clothes Sina called threats , respectively , and confirmed that he does not care that died and lost his life in a confrontation next or not , but will fight with everything to destroy John Cena . The third bout Still no laws Daniel Bryan - defeated - Randy Orton Despite leaving the exhibition hall Roma but the beast Batista returned to intervene in the still Brian Orton cross hit the last spear , which provided an opportunity for Daniel Bryan to win , after the departure of Brian from the ring by Batista pay hit the famous Batista Bomb hero Randy Orton . Afternoon business manager of the legendary Paul Heyman and started talking to the fans knew about himself as a manager acts monster Brock Lesnar , and started talking to them about the latest confrontations fought Undertaker in Offers Alrslimaa 30 , said he barely managed to win in those confrontations and was close loss to the same opponents who said his client Lesnar beat them on previous occasions . Paul Heyman said that he will present a special video for those encounters as evidence of his client s ability Brock Lesnar to win and end the Undertaker s famous series victories in Alrslimaa 30 . Hyman said after viewing the video it is an inconvenient truth for the masses , and said that a series of victories in the Undertaker Alrslimaa 30 Strkd safely . Occur Triple H to his wife Stephanie McMahon about decisions Triple H Last which concerned Bdaniel Brian looked upon as angry at its decisions that , and I talked to him in a way sharp and heated disagreement between them about it after it accused him of Stephanie that he risked the legacy of her family and their reputation as he did, asked Triple H step aside and leave it running things as it should , which angered and paid to leave him in a room alone after the administration said that to his face in the form of a threat it is better for him to do so . Fourth bout Joldst - defeated - Fandango Was announced participation in the presentation of the legendary Undertaker Maine Aevent which will be broadcast directly on the WWE Network early Wednesday . Operations Manager Ken income to the ring and said that it was his duty to keep everything cum natural , and that is what happened last week of Daniel Bryan form a threat to the security of the masses who are protected from interference within his duties . Kane said that it has opened a thorough investigation about the occupation of the masses of the circuit and the subsequent events and discovered that the people working in the WWE , one of the citizens of the city of Memphis , which has embraced the offer made with the help of Brian to have done and revealed that the veteran Jerry Lawler and ordered him to enter the ring and that there are consequences to be applied in the ring in this offer . Jerry refused entry to be attended by the members of the team Shield The Shield and then forced him to enter Hasrōh on the corner of the ring. Leave Ken opportunity to Jerry Lawler to talk word final but spoke was Seth Rollins said he sees fear his eyes and knows that Daniel Bryan will not appear to save him , so they are doing what is best for the business and turned their faces on its Ken and began to attack him and threw him blow Port pump delighting the crowd . Fifth bout Team Cameron and Naomi team defeated AG and Tamina After the end of great controversy erupted bout between Tamina and any G , which claimed that the Tamina caused her defeat in every time to be with her. The announcement was made to honor the legendary Mr. T in the Hall of Fame in 2014 included a special video as a reminder that the legendary wrestler . Then restored scenes announcement director Alrslimaa 30 Hulk Hogan for the battle royal at the festival next year. Followed by the appearance of the giant Big Show through video to announce his participation in the battle royal in honor of the first giant Andre The Giant . Sixth bout Big any team and Ziegler and Henry and Big Show - unbeaten team - Rybak and Excel and Sandu Dlerao I met Renee Young star Dave Batista behind the scenes as he left the hall again , and I asked him about the reason for his return , although he announced his departure from the beginning of the show, he replied Batista that he does not leave anything to achieve what came to him , so he does not care if Daniel Bryan or Triple H will bout in the large because it is the will achieve the title. Seventh bout Bray and White - against - Kofi Kingston Income CEO of WWE Triple H said that he has other things in his mind wander and must say it s Daniel Bryan face to face with a man to man and asked him to come to the ring to start the dialogue between them . Thanks Triple H Brian for coming and then spoke about the controversy that took place between him and his wife in this presentation then moved on to talk about the differences between them , and told him that something he would do against him would be in the interest of the business , and assured him of the lack of a personal dispute between them but everything is in the best interest of WWE. So it was ending the movement that took Baltazaad Yes . Triple H continued his speech and said to Brian that it has exceeded all red lines in the presentation of Roma last occupying the circuit , but it will exceed all of that now and is considered from the past and leave it to settle it in the ring after three weeks in Alrslimaa 30 . And invited him to fight as gladiators did not do any earlier Aattab and not one over the other , regardless of the winner. Showing Triple H on Brian Msafetha and open a new page but Brian refused, the response Triple H that he does not Aattab it if it was his place to do the same , admitted Triple H that he stop the obstacle in the way of Brian since Samar Peace and the crowd chanted him because of what he has done since that time , Because they respect him and Triple H also admitted that Brian also earned the respect and wanted to leave the ring. Boycotted Stephanie dialogue screaming at her husband and said that what he did Brian will not pass without consequences because of that crime committed by the last week , and ordered Stephanie group of policemen in and arrest him to come down Triple H to talk with his wife during handcuff the police in the hands of Brian limitations behind his back . Returned Triple H to the ring and asked the company to leave the ring because they are not policemen true , revealing what happened and talking about Brian was a play and said to the fans that it appeared like an asshole as he spoke to Brian , and began to Triple H then lashed out at Brian lasted several minutes , taking advantage of the inability of Brian from the movement because of restrictions on his hand handcuffed . Stephanie also participated beat Brian and charged him several powerful blows to the face. Do the Triple H blow Badgera strong Triple H center of the ring during the cries of indignation from sympathetic audiences with Brian , then entered Stephanie to the ring and took to provoke the masses and scream yes , ending Triple H scene in full by saying Ive ended Movement Yes with continuing movements provocation by them for the masses
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 07:21:31 +0000

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