Roman knows who Roman Blows! The LRC powers that be... Shared - TopicsExpress


Roman knows who Roman Blows! The LRC powers that be... Shared from the Baldwinsville Non-Discussion Facebook page. Some insight provided by our current 20 year old town board member, Roman I missed more town board meetings this year than all other town councilors combined Zirconian-Diamond. ;) Tonight I attended a publicly posted work session of the Lysander Town Board as a Town Councilor. The work session was to discuss the future open positions in the parks and recreation department and the tax receivers office. The town clerk was present and Councilor Reeves saw that the Town clerk was recording the board meeting . Councilor Reeves wanted the meeting adjourned because he didnt want it recorded. The Town Clerk said she records all meetings of the Board for note purposes to prepare minutes. Supervisor Salisbury listened to Councilor Reeves and then adjourned the meeting. The Town Attorney said a work session is not a meeting of the Board because they dont discuss public business. Well talking about consolidation of Parks and Rec due to retirement of an employee isnt public business or am I wrong?!! Or talking about creating two new full time positions for the tax office and spending more tax payers money isnt public business or am I wrong?!! A few weeks ago I attended a meeting of the Supervisors committee on government affairs. I am a committee member, as well as the Town Clerk and the Code Enforcement Officer. Before the meeting started Supervisor Salisbury said he was recording the meeting and did so. Why is this okay and the Town Clerk, who by statute is Clerk to the Board, attends public meetings of the Board and records all meetings cant be allowed to record an open meeting of the Board? I ask what are Supervisor Salusbury and Councilor Reeves afraid of? I can tell you. Its simply being open and transparent. Bville Blotter: First and foremost, this was a public work session, not a town board meeting. Historically speaking, the work sessions have never been recorded as there are never any minutes taken or written for these meetings (in 16 years as Town Supervisor, Barry the bully Bullis who was Romans next door neighbor and political mentor, never recorded a single work session, and the town clerk never provided minutes or notes for any of those meetings). NOT ONE SINGLE TIME! The town clerk rarely ever attends these public work sessions (only 2 this year), as her attendance is not even required at them! The Town Supervisor does however, have the authority to record those meetings for informational purposes, but they have never been recorded by the Town Clerk ( this clerk or the previous clerks) for the purpose of creating minutes or public documents. Hope that answers your politically motivated question Romey. Roman, your little social media rants seem to be motivated by politics and your LRC affiliation only! Its absolutely disgusting how you treat the other board members who have earned the communities respect, and who have raised families, paid their taxes, and run businesses in this town for decades. You on the other hand still live at home with mom and dad, have never raised a family, never paid a single property or school tax, yet seem to want to place yourself on some pedestal like that statue of Jesus Christ you have in your backyard. Roman you are such an embarrassment to the Town of Lysander! As an elected official you are posting NEGATIVE and politically motivated comments about your supervisor on a social media page thats administered by one of your LRC committee members (Casey Ostrander)! Its very obvious that your actions, along with the town clerks actions, are politically motivated and serve absolutely no purpose for the tax-payers! You dont even have the common decency to spell your supervisors name properly! PATHETIC & DISGUSTING ROMAN!
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 20:00:21 +0000

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