Romans 1:26 ......... God gave them over to degrading - TopicsExpress


Romans 1:26 ......... God gave them over to degrading passions..... Think seriously the phrase God gave them over. The original Greek word use translated Gave...over is PARADIDOMI. IT is a very strong Greek verb meaning to hand someone over to the power and authority of another. In this particular passage in Romans1:26 it implies the act of God whereby He hands over everyone for judgement because of their sins.This reverberating phrase God gave them over should put the fear of the Lord into the heart and mind of every thinking person. We may even be so deceived that we think we are in control but Sin always deceives. and when we think we are not in the grips or power of sin we are completely deceived In other words, when you are deceived you dont even realize your flawed state of mind. How did God gave us over? God gave us over simply by withdrawing His restraining and protective hand, allowing the consequences of sin to take their inevitable, destructive course. Sin degrades man, debases the image of God in which he is made, and strips him of dignity, peace of mind, and a clear conscience. Sin destroys personal relationships. What is now happening to our nation is a magnificent illustration of this reality. We as a people continue to vote and support corrupt politicians and as a result our Government is full of corruption ----- Many are poor not merely by choice. We choose sinful men in power so God gave us up......However, God often allows men to go deeper and deeper into sin in order to drive them to despair and to show them their need of Him. There is hope and it is well illustrated in the song below. youtube/watch?v=azaMI9SnybE
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 23:28:22 +0000

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