Romans 14:1-12 addresses an issue that is still very much alive in - TopicsExpress


Romans 14:1-12 addresses an issue that is still very much alive in the church today. Paul urges those in the church who have different views on minor issues to accept one another. Its important to note that were not talking about issues of sin and dogma, but minor things like the eating of food, observance of special days, and other similar situations. The background of this discussion comes from Jewish Christians who were having a hard time letting go of the regulations set forth by the Old Testament law. It wasnt that is was sinful to follow those regulations, but they had been replaced by the new covenant instituted by Jesus. However, Gentile Christians who didnt follow the old laws were not to look down on their Jewish Christian brothers and sisters. Nor were the Jewish Christians to have contempt for their Gentile brothers and sisters who didnt hold to the old law. Basically, Paul states that wherever we fall in these kinds of situations, we must be ready to give an account for our choices before the judgment seat of Christ. This judgment seat for believers has nothing to do with salvation, but rewards for the way we lived our lives in honor and worship of God. I shouldnt be concerned about what other people say about my lifestyle and decision. Instead I should be concerned about what Jesus will say when I give an account to him at the end of my life. Do you and I tend to clash with people who believe differently than us on minor issues? When we make decisions are we more worried about what other people will say or about what God will say? -Pastor Aaron (Next days reading: Romans 14:13-23)
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 10:00:01 +0000

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