Romans 15:13 NKJV [13] Now may the God of hope fill you with all - TopicsExpress


Romans 15:13 NKJV [13] Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 7:7-8 NKJV [7] Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. [8] For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Romans 10:13 NKJV [13] For whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved. Psalm 105:4 NKJV [4] Seek the LORD and His strength; Seek His face evermore! Many of you have heard this already, but I feel I need to share this again.... At 15 years old, I made a decision. After a close friend was in a bad accident, I realized that I wasnt going to live forever, and when I left this world...well, I wanted to spend eternity with Jesus. So...I began my journey. I accepted that Christ was truly the Son of God, and that He lived a perfect life, and was crucified on The Cross of Calvary to give me hope of that eternal peace. I was buried in the watery grave of baptism. I was new. I was a babe in Christ. But guess what happened. You see...I didnt comprehend the fact that I was fighting a battle against something greater than I was. I didnt understand how the enemy desperately wanted me back, and I didnt understand that I had to fight to keep that from happening. My brand new Bible with my name so neatly engraved on laid there in my room until time to go to church on Sunday. Do you think at 15 years old, I had any idea what power was in that book? Not a clue! I just knew I didnt want to go to Hell, and I thought I had taken the steps to prevent that. Little did I know, I was back on that broad road of destruction. So Jamie and I got married in 1998. He was and still is the love of my life. When we got married, we were young. We had nothing but each other...but thought we had it all. Talk about living on! Thats all we had. Anyway...we continued our weekly routine on Sunday. We sat on the back row. We were there every week. Thats what we were suppose to do. Right? Occasionally some of the surrounding churches held revivals, and we would attend. I would feel so encouraged for a day or 2, but I didnt continue fueling that fire, so like always it eventually lost its flame. I always knew there was more. I always knew that something was missing, but I almost think I felt incapable. I wanted it, but I guess I wanted my worldly life more. I would think...ok, Im gonna study more. Im gonna do this. Im gonna do that, but thats as far as it got. In 2000, we fell completely in love with the most beautiful curly haired baby girl. She rocked our world. 2 years later in 02, our family was completed with the most precious baby boy I had ever laid my eyes on. These kids came into this world to bless me, to teach me, and to strengthen me...and they have done all 3. In 2011, they both made a decision. Anslee came to Jamie and I at 11 years old, and explained that she wanted to spend eternity with Jesus. 3 months later, her lil brother followed in her footsteps. Now...I recognized that I had once felt what they were feeling. I also recognized that I had done nothing to grow...Therefore I realized that I had to have some help, and I knew right where to find it. On my knees! I wanted it! I wanted to help my precious babies keep it. And thats how it all began. But yall....its not easy. I have to refuel this old fire every single day, sometimes minute by minute. I cant let a day pass that I dont get in The Word because I know how easily I can slip back to the old me and I dont ever want to be her again. I have found out that the things I had to give up were never worth hanging on to anyway. My kids have taught me so much. As far as Bible knowledge, they know way more facts than I do because theyve had some great Sunday school teachers over the years...Jamie being one of them. My point this morning is this....never underestimate yourself. Never feel that you cant because you can...not by yourself, but if you truly want it, He will help you. Let go of anything that hinders you from giving Him your whole heart. Its so worth it! He gave His life. Are we willing to give ours? God bless and happy Tuesday yall!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 10:36:52 +0000

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