Romans 3:20a Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no - TopicsExpress


Romans 3:20a Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight:... Galatians is a Book determining the fact that were not under Law but rather Grace. I know there are lots of people that dont know what were talking about, and theyll look at you quizzically and say, Well, what do you mean? Well hopefully what the Book of Galatians is showing is that were not under the system of Law, we are not under any kind of legalistic demands for our salvation. But rather salvation is all of Grace by faith only + nothing, or else any works you add to salvation takes away from the finished work of the Cross. See this is the whole concept of God dealing with us, this predominately Body of Christ in Grace, is that we have to believe that He did everything that needs to be done. And as soon as we try to add to that for salvation then in actuality say, Well Christ didnt really finish it! But he did and God has let us know in his Word and especially through the writings of this apostle Paul that it was finished and we stand in His presence justified, forgiven, sanctified, glorified, and all those good words simply because we can believe that it is a finished transaction. So this has been the whole concept of this little letter to the Galatians who were being tempted to go back under legalism, which at that time was prompted by the Jew, and that was circumcision. So Paul has been dealing with that in particular. But for us today circumcision is not so much the criteria, but its all these other things that agents of the Devil try to tell us that we have to do beside believing the Gospel, as found in I Corinthians 15:1-4. But dont you believe what they say, because the Word says that it is by faith, and faith alone. And back in Romans Paul uses the old man Abraham as the prime example of someone who was saved by faith and faith alone. Do not let the Devil deceive you Jesus destroyed all his power on the cross for you, if you believe the gospel of grace you have more power than the devil so he will use his deceptive plan to switch your faith from the cross in order to destroy you. Never give up hold on to your faith victory is yours. God richly bless you for your faith, remember Jesus Christ is Lord.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 18:19:28 +0000

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