Romans 6:23a,THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH, BUT THE GIFT OF GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD. Emotionally,Mentally, Phiscially, Spiritually Death has been caused due to sin. EVEN,FIANCIALLY death occurs from sin. Trying to keep up with the Jones will take you to bank and eventually to bankrupcy. (Must learn balance). You can give & give your children all material things in this world and put them in the light of men (that is women too), BUT if we are not teaching our children about God and how to pray instead introducing them to different men and women that are not our wife or husband, but a fling or lover, we are not doing a thing. If you are not good enough for marriage, dont be good enough for bed. Street life is out of style. There are various of diseases out there in the world that can not be reversed so dont reherse. God forbid, there is DEATH in all form and fashion out there in the world. Dont expose sin in front of your children nor to your children and expect them to live a loyal and godly life, because it WILL NOT happen. Children will do and be what they are most familiar to or been expose to. Romans 6:23b,BUT THE GIFT OF GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD. God want us to lead souls to Him not away from Him. We are to be an good example for our children and childrens children, [to the best of our ability]. Best to start while they are young, because they are more rebellious as they are older and think they have all the answers of life, by what they have experienced, [been exposed to]. God forbid!! It is the will of God to prosper us and not to harm us, to give us a future and hope, according to Jer. 25:11. God dont want us die in no form of fashion other than to SELF. He wants to prosper us and want us to be in good health. He want all men to be SAVED. Gods will is for all to be saved and come to the knowledge of TRUTH, 1Tim.2:3-4. He want us [be in good health] and not to die in sin. Of course, all of us HAVE sin and come short to the glory of God, according to Romans 3:23. BUT that dont mean we have to keep living in sin. [CHANGE IS GOOD]. Doing the same things and expecting different results are called- INSANITY. Father, teach us the way of Your statutes. We long to see Your face and be a good influence to our younger generation, for the children are our future. I know that through Your Word, the Holy Bible, are all tools to learn Your will & ways BUT Father, bless us with the minset to want and hungry for knowledge of Your TRUTH. We thank Your for life and life more abundantly. Eternal life in heaven is ours by faith, we believe and receive, in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen & Amen~!!! (liz)
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 22:03:03 +0000

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