Romans 8:18-25; Psalm 126:1-6; Luke 13:18-21 What is Gods kingdom - TopicsExpress


Romans 8:18-25; Psalm 126:1-6; Luke 13:18-21 What is Gods kingdom like? It is like a mustard seed. ... It is like yeast. (Lk 13:18, 19, 21) What can mustard seeds and yeast teach us about the kingdom of God? The tiny mustard seed literally grew to be a tree which attracted numerous birds because they loved the little black mustard seed it produced. Gods kingdom works in a similar fashion. It starts from the smallest beginnings in the hearts of men and women who are receptive to Gods word. And it works unseen and causes a transformation from within. Yeast is another powerful agent of change. A lump of dough left to itself remains just what it is, a lump of dough. But when the yeast is added to it a transformation takes place which produces rich and wholesome bread when heated - the staple of life for humans. From the foregoing, if seeds and yeast remain in their packages, they remain inert. Nothing happens until the package is ripped open and the contents are hidden in something else and given time to work. Then the results can be spectacular. In a similar way, God’s kingdom has been hidden in our hearts through Baptism. That kingdom is so dynamic and powerful that it can overcome every obstacle. Now, we can remain unaware of this seed’s awesome potential. Or we may keep God in a package marked “Sunday” or “rule keeping” or “Church.” But when we do, we miss out on the full extent of the gift we have received. If you want to knead the seeds and the yeast of the kingdom of God into your life, one effective way is with a three-word prayer: “Come, Holy Spirit.” When you first wake up and face your day, what’s your first thought? Oh, I wish I could stay in bed a little longer? or I don’t know how I’m going to handle what’s on my plate today? Instead, try praying, “Come, Holy Spirit.” Let God flood you with his love. When you sit down to reflect on Scripture, pray, “Come, Holy Spirit.” Maybe God will lead you to a passage that speaks to your deepest need today. Maybe he will open up a new insight into how to apply a familiar verse. Or maybe he will bring to mind someone who needs your prayer. With each person you encounter today, pray, “Come, Holy Spirit.” How does God want you to reach out to that person in love? Perhaps you can listen patiently even though he has a hard time expressing what he wants to say. Perhaps the Spirit will inspire you to say, “Can we pray about that together right now?” When you move from one location to another, pray, “Come, Holy Spirit.” When something unexpected happens, pray, “Come, Holy Spirit.” When you’re not sure what to say or do, pray, “Come, Holy Spirit.” When something hurts you, pray, “Come, Holy Spirit.” When you see something beautiful or wonderful, pray, “Come, Holy Spirit.” Let the seeds of the kingdom of God take root! The kingdom of God produces a transformation in those who receive the new life which Jesus Christ offers. When we yield to Jesus Christ, our lives are transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. Paul the Apostle says, we have this treasure in earthen vessels, to show that the transcendent power belongs to God and not to us (2 Cor 4:7). Do you believe in the transforming power of the Holy Spirit? “Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and enkindle in them the fire of your love! Lord Jesus, fill me with your Holy Spirit and transform me into the Christ-like holiness you desire. Increase my zeal for your kingdom and instill in me a holy desire to live for your greater glory.” Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 07:36:41 +0000

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