Romans chapter 5 read it and ask God for wisdom in understanding - TopicsExpress


Romans chapter 5 read it and ask God for wisdom in understanding it. I promise there is nothing wrong with the Law it is perfect, and there is nothing wrong with Gods word it is perfect also, the problem lies within the ppl who teach it and preach it from human understanding. Its all there for a purpose to show us the greater glory we have the opportunity reside in now through the blood of Jesus Christ. Grace was from the beginning because God is grace. It was imputed before there was law. When law came into effect sin was imputed because the law revealed sin. But now that Grace has come and fulfilled the law in its completeness and it is finished sin and the law are no longer imputed to those who are in Christ and live according to His great grace for us. It really is a simple concept to grasp and understand but for all these yrs ppl still wanna try to be good according to the standards of the law and the prophets. Well if thats your cup its no wonder that its not overflowing with goodness because your heart has been calloused to the grace of God. You are trying to earn your way into Heaven and its not gonna work. Idk whos reading this but I hope that you understand that no matter who you are if you confess Christ as your savior and allow His grace (undeserved favor and mercy) shower your life and rest solely in His faith to make you right with God I will see you in Heaven one day, until then let us rejoice together and live life free to enjoy the abundant blessings of God. We are the descendants of Abraham the father of faith before there was a law, and we are heirs of the promise to reign over this world and everything it. Know who you are and you will live according to that righteousness that has been imputed to you through the obedience of Christ. Be Blessed Saints #GraceLove
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 09:23:44 +0000

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