Rome, 8 August to Alexandria Aqueduct At the park you do spring - TopicsExpress


Rome, 8 August to Alexandria Aqueduct At the park you do spring cleaning summer! The association "Friends of the Park, the Aqueduct of Alexandria" on August 7th has operated the last cleaning of the park before the summer holidays. Four women, Donatella, Gabriella, Rita and Diana, equipped with plastic bags, gloves, brooms and a great desire to have met and have given way to a general cleaning. Donatella, the President - even if you do not want to be named, explains the birth and future plans of the new association. The group of "Friends of the park" was born May 9, 2013 from the idea of Donatella and other ordinary citizens, motivated by the idea common to want to change and raise awareness of their neighborhoods and cities. The meetings of cleaning are generally scanned in a month and all citizens move through Facebook. "The park aqueduct Alexandrian" - tell us Gabriella and Donatella-"was redeemed by the association recently, as it appeared to be in a state of total disrepair and neglect since 2011 because of the indifference of the institutions." The green area, before managed and edited by a cooperative of detainees, is subsequently abandoned for non-payment of salaries. Ama gardens and the service of the City of Rome remain heedless of course, leaving this park adrift. Syringes, bottles of beer, glass and dirt: the degradation is evident. And to think that our children play there, unaware of the danger they face! The park is not even be any green space: it has, in fact, a part of the famous "arches", remains of the ancient Roman aqueduct. In short, instead of protecting this special place, creating a real gathering place, with manicured gardens and citizenship services, the place remains at the mercy of the homeless that night found an arc to sleep. Donatella Gabriella and tell us how we can change things through a targeted education to the environment that is not only aimed at young people, but to everyone. Do not indulge in unnecessary proloqui: the fault is neglect of all the inhabitants, who are Italian or foreign. The president as accurate as a change is necessary and possible. The case is emblematic of Villa Torlonia. "More than 5 years ago was given a redevelopment which made the villa wheelchair accessible, clean and with a wifi coverage made by the municipality." All this is feasible. You should only change their mindset and think no more of favoring only the center, because the cradle of revenues from tourism, but also the suburbs-in the case of Torpignattara it comes to almost a quarter near the center and then through the enlargement of the boundaries of the city- which is a virgin land and fertile. The periphery can be really a new cultural basin, not based on a more thought receptionist, but circular. This is why the association was formed. Women, pioneer of cleaning the park, they want a clear cooperation between associations, institutions, but above all citizens. Pity the poor attendance at the event, but the heat did not help for sure. Far is still the collaboration between the different cultures that flock to the district Torpignattara, though Gabriella, a drop in the ocean, is of Haitian origins. Although it was recently inaugurated with a great aperitif, the association already has big plans for the future: in September, in fact, there will be a meeting with an archaeologist who will talk about the ancient history of the aqueduct, to explain, therefore, the quality and the value. Only by getting to know and appreciate the past, you can create many possibilities and conditions for the future. [Show as slideshow] Interview Melissa Linda Randò
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 05:04:01 +0000

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