Ron: Sunday night Tristen rested well both of us slept through the - TopicsExpress


Ron: Sunday night Tristen rested well both of us slept through the night, he did not get sick at all. We both overslept Monday morning, my fault of course. We awoke just at 7:30 when the Occupational Therapist walked in. It worked out since John wanted to see him dress himself, not so much seeing me, but oh well. John was able to watch Tristen brush his teeth, which he did very well. He was thirsty and had asked a few times for something to drink, unfortunately he is on a schedule so I wasn’t able to give him anything just yet. Little stinker showed me, I put his rinse cup on the table and drank it. Boy knows when he is thirsty. OT left and that gave Tristen and I a couple of hours to hang out watch TV. We watch a lot of TV, but under the circumstances it is stimulating for him. At 10:00am Julie his Therapeutic Recreation took him to the gym. He was sitting up, play toss with the ball and play with a IPAD. Kristen is next at 10:30 Speech, where he gets a chance to work on the IPAD more. She wanted him to eat and drink, which he was not at all interested in doing. He sipped on the juice, he seems to be more thirsty than hungry. John comes back at 11:00 he worked with the left arm encouraging him to play with puzzle, cars and play doh. John really is eager for Tristen to accomplish all his OT, but just like any 6 year old sometimes he gets bored, distracted or just not interested. Kristen returns at 11:30 this time he ate 6 chips and drank juice. This made all of us very happy. This is a giant leap for Tristen since he has not been interested in eating only drinking. At noon we got a break he gets to rest so I grabbed something to eat. I decided to grab our favorite snack food Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. He spotted them immediately and asked for some. I looked around and since there wasn’t anyone to tell me no, I shared. YUM he had 2 bites this make daddy HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!! The way I see it if he will eat it, then he should have it. This won’t be forever but for now whatever it takes to get him to eat. It was now 1:30 and our break was over, woosh got away with it no one saw us. Kristen took him to the gym. He walked 60ft with a walker, not one complaint. Kristen said he was doing at least 50% of the work himself. How amazing to know that just a day ago he didn’t want to walk and today he is using a walker, forget 4 steps he is cruising. The prayers are working, keep it up. More physical therapy at 2:30 with Kim, she had him walk to the door with her instead of just the bed. By this time he had become tired and was a little more resistant to cooperate. All and all it has been a wonderful day. Aunt Carla came by and was informed by Tristen she needs to visit more often and of course she will. We took him for a stroll around the hospital, but he was very tired and wanted to come back to his room. We were back maybe 10 minutes and he had already fallen asleep. Guess I will be watching the Braves and Falcons by myself unless he wakes up, kinda hope he does. I sit here in amazement as I think back on the last 2 months and I just can’t stop saying what an Awesome God we serve. PUSH!!! Thank you everyone for the many prayers and positive comments. I look forward to reading them every night; I guess you can say it is my nightly routine. God Bless you All.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 23:27:45 +0000

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