Ronald wilson reagan... 2-6 whats his birthday?... Does the gipper - TopicsExpress


Ronald wilson reagan... 2-6 whats his birthday?... Does the gipper in 82 ?.... Tampering... Is mr. Bsh bragging?... How do those powerful history books read?...the truth always comes out! suppress the truth is a crime!.... Nsa... Cia ... Fbi... And many more agencys are to prevent corruption and crime?... What are the rules for men who are obsessed with absolute power?.... Cause and effect...the program is itelligently designed to bring the facts to the surface and to guide the truth and when the truth surfaces they surpress it?... Its a known fact that certain companies are continuously bailing out a society that is very egotistical to power!... The truth is they do know everything about everybody in this country!... Glenn greenwald... And mr. Wilson the ambass id door!...dave school... Bill of rights... Camp david...david swanson after downing street... dinners!... College electorial votes!... Cnn levy case opens door on a secret life...gary condit profile... Hosted ...former intern to tip oneill... Page...
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 12:00:43 +0000

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