Rooney on captaincy Wayne Rooney feels he is ready to take on - TopicsExpress


Rooney on captaincy Wayne Rooney feels he is ready to take on the responsibility of being Manchester United captain. The Reds new skipper donned the armband against Valencia and is the permanent choice of Louis van Gaal for the prestigious position with Darren Fletcher named vice-captain. In an exclusive interview with MUTV, the striker explained he will always give 100 per cent for the cause. Its a great pride and a great honour for me to captain the team, he told the clubs official TV channel. Obviously, I spoke to the manager and he decided I was right to take the role, which Im delighted with. Ill perform the role as best I can and hopefully help the team be successful. Of course, Ive played under some great captains, both for club and country, and can take a little bit of what they have brought to the role and use that. Ill obviously try to lead the players on the pitch with hard work and dedication. Its what we want to do - we want to show the fans we really care and we want to win. Its a massive role to take on and Im aware of the responsibility of that. But I feel Im ready now, at this stage of my career, to do that. I think I am quite vocal anyway on the pitch and in the dressing room and Im sure thats what the manager has looked at. Hes seen that Im always trying to get the best out of myself and my team-mates, and trying to encourage as well, so Im sure that was a big factor in the manager choosing me for this job. Fletcher outlined his intention to assist Rooney in the new role as he will stand in as skipper when the England international is absent. Its a fantastic honour and its great the manager chose me to help Wayne, the Scot told MUTV in another exclusive interview. Ill be there to guide him and Wayne is going to be a fantastic captain, no doubt about that, and hopefully I can help him do that. Hes a winner, first and foremost, as he expects a lot of himself and demands a lot of his team-mates. Hes got great experience, hes probably had the most appearances in the squad now and has won so much. He leads by example on the pitch with a never-say-die attitude. He has been at the club a long time and Im sure hell be a fantastic captain. Lets hope we can get some success back with him as captain. I think hes vocal in the dressing room and makes his feelings known. Hes got good opinions, has great insight on the game.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 07:21:45 +0000

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