Roosevelts first act was to call an emergency session of Congress, - TopicsExpress


Roosevelts first act was to call an emergency session of Congress, and the next day proclaimed a national emergency. Congress passed the Bank Conservation Act (Public Law 73-10, 73rd Congress, Session I, Chapter 1) on March 9, 1933 CE. On the same day, Roosevelt issued Proclamation 2040 to indefinitely prolong the bank holiday. These actions became known as the Bank Holiday Act of 1933, CURRENTLY correspond to 12 U.S.C. 95, 95a & 95b. With the willing participation of the States, the beginning of Cooperative Federalism was begun. A study of the above-mentioned acts and Executive Orders 6073, 6102, 6111, and 6260 show, that in 1933 CE, the corporation of the United States (US Inc.) formed under the executive privilege of the original martial rule sought bankruptcy protection of the federal courts under reorganization, or the insolvency laws, because of the suspension of payment in gold and silver, constituting a failure of the corporation known as the United States to maintain the ability to pay its debts as they become due. The Federal Reserve Bank became the creditor to the corporate United States and removed all the gold in order to establish an elastic monetary system based merely on accounting procedures and bookkeeping entries. This paradigm shift would now control each financial transaction of every American. A state of National Emergency had been declared, and research reveals that the citizens of the United States as defined in the 14th Amendment were included in the group that was regarded as being an enemy under the revised provisions of the 1917 Trading with the Enemy Act. This Act became the inception of the Income Tax by being able to tax all credits of Federal employees passing through trust accounts, treated as corporations under bankruptcy proceedings. The original act read – The words ally of enemy, as used herein, shall be deemed to mean – (c) Such other individuals, or body or class of individuals, as may be natives, citizens, or subjects of any nation which is an ally of a nation with which the United States is at war, … other than citizens of the United States … H.R. 4960, October 6, 1917, Public Law No. 91, Sess. I. Chs. 106, p. 411, and 50 USC APPENDIX - WAR AND NATIONAL DEFENSE Sec. 2 … the rule which renders it unlawful for a citizen of the United States to trade or carry on commerce with an enemy, also precludes an ally from similar intercourse. Bouviers Law Dictionary, Ally, 1856. The revised Bank Conservation Act of March 9, 1933 CE as amended by Franklin Roosevelt read – Sec. 2. Subdivision (b) of section 5 of the Act of October 6, 1917 (40 Stat. L. 411), as amended, is hereby amended to read as follows – (b) During time of war or during any other period of national emergency declared by the President, the President may, through any agency that he may designate, or otherwise, investigate, regulate, or prohibit, under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, by means of licenses or otherwise, any transactions in foreign exchange, transfer of credit between or payments by banking institutions as defined by the President, and export, hoarding, melting, or earmarking of gold or silver coin or bullion or currency, by any person within the United States or any place subject to the jurisdiction thereof; These actions by Roosevelt, a Dutch Jew, designated the person known as a citizen of the United States as an enemy of government through the declaration of a national emergency which is still in effect today. It further disallowed any American Christians to aid any Germany Christians, effectively allowing Jewish interests to dominate the financial world. By such designation, the person which represents each man or woman of America, as implied sureties for their individual commercial accounts, are given a legal disability in the eyes of the law, as alien enemies. This is known as commercia belli, a commercial war waged by the Federal Reserve bank through the agency of the United States corporation (US Inc.) against the general population, using cheats, stratagems and ruse de guerres. So, by the common law, if there were a contract with an alien, and, whilst it was merely executory, war broke out between this country and that of the alien, this would dissolve the contract. A Treatise on the Law of Contracts, Joseph Chitty, p. 161, 1904. The condition of the alien enemy is, however, here recognized as a ground of legal disability, and a person subject to this disability cannot sue so long as he remains an alien enemy, that is, so long as the state of war continues between this country and that of which he is a subject. Federal Equity Practice: A Treatise on the Pleadings Used and Practice, Thomas Atkins Street, Vol. I, Sec. 449, p. 282 (1909). Alien enemy. The plea of alien enemy must be pleaded with the highest degree of legal certainty, or, as it is expressed in the books, with certainty to a certain extent in particular; that is, it must be so certain as to exclude and negative every case in which an alien enemy may sue. It therefore states the foreign country or place in which the plaintiff was born; that he was born and continues under allegiance, or adherents to the same sovereign; that such sovereign or country is an enemy to our own; and, if he is here, that he came hither or remains without a safe-conduct or license; and that he has been ordered out of the country by the Presidents proclamation. If the plaintiff should reply that he is a native citizen and not an alien, concluding, as seems proper in such cases, to the country, the defendant has the affirmative, and must prove that the plaintiff is an alien, as alleged in the plea. If the plaintiff should reply that he was duly naturalized, the proper evidence of this is the record of the court in which it was done. A Treatise on the Law of Evidence, Simon Greenleaf, p. 18, 1892. As the United States Congress cannot distinguish between a state of national emergency and a state of war, this allows the President as the Chief Executive further latitude to issue Executive orders under the guise of an exigency, and thereby extend the state of war, albeit commercial, that is being waged against the fictional American persons. All this was done in contradiction of the intended purpose for any exigency proposed with military intent going back to the era of the War between the States. According to ancient Roman doctrine of res nullius (A) (B) (C), property belonging to someone designated as an enemy is considered not to belong to anyone – The law on the subject descends to us directly from the Roman Law. The property of an enemy is one of those things which the Roman Law in one of its oldest portions considers to be res nullius - no mans property. International Law, Henry Sumner Maine, Chapter 5, Naval or Maritime Belligerency, 1887. The person known as the citizen of the United States is a contractual citizen, a member of the forum – the State, made into a U.S. corporate employee under 5 USC 301, being taxed under the authority of the United States. As the United States corporation (US Inc.) is involved in an on-going commercial war with the citizens of the United States, these fictional government employees are held as financial hostages to foreign bankers by way of presumed contractual employment obligations via the 1939 Federal Employees Salary Tax Act through tribute and contributions – F.I.C.A. and the Internal Revenue Code. In accordance with 20 CFR § 422.104, Social Security Numbers can only be issued to federal employees for use only in the performance of their official duties. 20 CFR § 422.103(d) states that the Social Security Number is the property of the government and does not belong to the real man or woman it is issued to. Therefore, the Social Security Number can only be yours if one is a federal public officer on official business as an agent of the federal government. Any person using a Social Security Number who is NOT a federal employee acting on official commercial, government business is guilty of impersonating a federal employee, which is considered a crime under 18 U.S.C. § 912. The Social Security Number can only be used in connection with a public purpose, and not a private purpose. It is illegal and a crime to use or abuse the SSN for a private or personal use. This is called embezzlement or conversion, and is a criminal violation under 18 U.S.C. § 641 and 18 U.S.C. § 654. Everything connected to the SSN becomes public property because the SSN can only be used in connection with a public office or federal employment. The private man was never issued an SSN if he is not acting as a federal employee. Therefore, he can honestly answer NO in response to the question of whether he was ever issued an SSN if he is not acting as a federal employee or agent. 15 USC Chapter 1, Section 17 clearly states: The labor of a human being is not a commodity or article of commerce. All this is accomplished through the use of a birth certificate in conjunction with the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution, resulting in voluntary servitude. These actions by Roosevelt marked the takeover the the United States government by the Federal Reserve bank through a Chapter 11 reorganization, converting the United States corporation into an instrumentality of the Federal Reserve Bank. Under this rule, corporate existence will be disregarded where a corporation (subsidiary) is so organized and controlled and its affairs so conducted as to make it only an adjunct and instrumentality of another corporation (parent corporation), and parent corporation will be responsible for the obligations of its subsidiary. The so-called instrumentality or alter ego rule states that when a corporation is so dominated by another corporation that the subservient corporation becomes a mere instrument and is really indistinct from controlling corporation, then the corporate veil of dominated corporation will be disregarded, if to retain it results in injustice. Blacks Law Dictionary, 5th Ed., Instrumentality rule, p. 720, 1979. Chapter 11 Reorganization falls under the protection of the bankruptcy laws, and subjects title to all property under such laws to be transferred – If a man become a bankrupt, all his property is, by the assignment of the commissioners to the assignees, vested in the assignees by relation to the act of bankruptcy, so as to defeat all intermediate acts done by such bankrupt to dispose of his property; and consequently the right of transfer, from the time of the act of bankruptcy, is in the assignees. A Pocket Dictionary, by John Irwing Maxwell, Act of Bankruptcy, p. 18, 1808. The Governors of the 48 states of the American Union in 1933 CE pledged the faith, credit and property within their control to the aid of the National Government for the accommodation of the Federal Bankruptcy, and thereafter formed numerous socialist programs such as the Council of State Governments, (42 U.S.C. 4273) Social Security Administration, etc., purportedly to deal with this massive economic emergency. Through these acts, the State governments presumed that each American chose to participate in the Chapter 11 Reorganization as a surety for a fictional entity, without bothering to tell anyone. The publication of Senate Report, Document No. 43, April 17, 1933, Page 9, stated – The ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called ownership is only by virtue of Government, i.e., law amounting to mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State. On May 23, Congressman, Louis T. McFadden, brought formal charges against the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank system, The Comptroller of the Currency and the Secretary of United States Treasury for numerous criminal acts, including but not limited to, conspiracy, fraud, unlawful conversion, and treason. The suspension of the gold standard was finalized by the commercial remedy provided by Congress in House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933 CE, where the Congress declared that it was against public policy to own gold or have any gold clauses in any contracts. Public policy being the principles under which the freedom of contract or private dealings is restricted by law for the good of the community. Thus, certain classes of acts are said to be – … against public policy … on the ground … so as to be injurious to the interests of the state … The term state as used here refers to the Federal state, with the statists concealing their true intent of the removal of the gold standard to support money. The purpose for the removal of the gold standard was to place the government solely under the use of commercial paper debt instruments. In order to justify its position, the United States Congress passed House Joint Resolution 192, which states – Every obligation, heretofore or hereafter incurred, whether or not any such provisions is contained therein or made with respect thereto, shall be discharged upon payment, dollar for dollar, in any such coin or currency which at the time of payment is legal tender for public and private debts. A resolution is defined as the act by which a contract which existed and was good, is rendered null. The portion of the contract which existed and was rendered null by HJR 192 was Article 1, Section 10 of the United States Constitution which made only gold or silver a tender in payment of debts. The people of America went from paying debts to discharging debts under bankruptcy proceedings. This resolution subsequently made it possible to discharge debts in commerce using what is known as commercial paper or bank note, as contrasted with paying debts with lawful money. The Federal Reserve Bank was now placed in every commercial transaction between buyer and seller when involved with any type of contract. HJR 192 gave rise to the definition of legal tender under 31 USC 5103. The suspension of gold for payment of debts was challenged immediately in the courts. The viewpoint the court had with regard to the actions which Congress had taken was not limiting – The Court did, indeed, unanimously say that the Congressional repudiation of the promises of the United States to pay in gold was unconstitutional and invalid; but at the same time it held that Congress had effectively prevented the courts from giving any remedy. A legal duty with no legal remedy is an illusion. It is not impossible that the promise of the United States to pay in gold, without remedy though it be in the courts may yet be given other juristic effects. The statute of frauds makes certain oral promises unenforceable by bringing suit; this is very far from depriving them of all legal effect. Corbin on Contracts, § 1343. Impossibility by Legal Prohibition or Act of State – Outbreak of War, Volume 6, Chapter 76, p. 418, footnote 4, 1962. The legal definitions relating to legal tender have been written by congress and maintained as such to be both exclusive, where necessary, and inclusive, where appropriate, to provide in its statutory definitions of legal tender for the inclusion of all those, who by definition of private, unincorporated persons engaged in the business of banking to issue notes against the obligation of the United States for recovery on their risk, whose private assets and property are being used to collateralize the obligations of the United States since 1933, as collectively and nationally constituting a legal class of persons being a national bank or national banking association with the rights to issue such notes against the obligations of the United States for equity interest recovery due and accrued to these Principals and Sureties of the United States backing the obligations of U.S. currency and credit; as a means for the legal tender discharge of lawful debts in commerce as remedy due them in conjunction with U.S. obligations to the discharge of that portion of the public debt, which is provided for in the present financial reorganization still in effect and ongoing since 1933. See 12 USC 411, 18 USC 8, 12 USC ch. 6, 38 Stat. 251, Sec. 14(a) @ p. 264, 31 USC 3123, 31 USC 5118 with rights protected under the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution, by the U.S. Supreme Court in U.S. v. Russell, 13 Wall. (80 U.S.) 623 @ 627; Pearlman v. Reliance Ins. Co., 371 U.S. 132, @ 136, 137 (1962); U.S. vs Hooe, 3 Cranch (7 U.S.) 73 (1805) and in conformity with the 79 US 287 (1870), United States v. Wardwell, 172 U.S. 48 (1898), as confirmed at Guaranty Trust Co. v. Henwood, 307 U.S. 247 (1939). William Blackstone The financial history of England will uncover the basis for Franklin Roosevelts New Deal and the withdrawal of the U.S. Corporation from the gold standard. The underlying reason for the removal of the gold is revealed by the fact that the currency is backed by pledged labor and pledged property, now paralleling the same financial standard of England. During the mid-1700s, England was at war with France, Germany, Canada, and eventually with the American colonies. As it costs tremendous amounts of money to wage wars, the military-church state of England found the ultimate way to achieve its goals through a manipulation of the banking system. It was therefore the policy of the times, to anticipate the revenues of their pofterity, by borrowing immenfe fums for the current fervice of the ftate, and to lay no more taxes upon the fubject than would fuffice to pay the annual intereft of the fums fo borrowed: by this means converting the principal debt into a new fpecies of property, transferrabel from one man to another at any time and in any quantity. A fyftem which feems to have had its original in the ftate of Florence, A. D. 1344 … * * * * * * * * * * BY this means [money backed by labor and property instead of gold or silver] the quantity of property in the kingdom is greatly encreafed in idea, compared with former times; yet, if we coolly confider it, not at all encreafed in reality. We may boaft of large fortunes, and quantities of money in the funds. But where does this money exift? It exifts only in name, in paper, in public faith, in parliamentary fecurity: and that is undoubtedly fufficient for the creditors of the public to rely on. But then what is the pledge which the public faith has pawned for the fecurity of thefe debts? The land, the trade, and the perfonal induftry of the fubject; from which the money muft arife that fupplies the feveral taxes. In thefe therefore, and thefe only, the property of the public creditors does really and intrinfically exift: and of courfe the land, the trade, and the perfonal induftry of individuals, are diminifhed in their true value juft fo much as they are pledged to anfwer. Blackstones Commentaries, Book I, Chapter 8, pp. 315-316, 1765. The fact that money is backed by pledged labor is indicative that whatever government uses this type of monetary system has instilled a direct, and quite unseen, system of financial slavery within their society through the banking system. As slavery is against the law, the only way this type of banking system can operate is through peoples ignorance of the law, being unaware that a remedy does exist. Eventually, the socialistic New Deal produced a host of new agencies and programs. They were usually known by their initials, and there were so many that they became known as the alphabet soup agencies. AAA – Agricultural Adjustment Administration FSA – Farm Security Administration CCC – Civilian Conservation Corps NRA – National Recovery Act NYA – National Youth Administration WPA – Works Progress (later Projects) Administration PWA – Public Works Administration SSA – Social Security Administration REA – Rural Electrification Administration The style of money issued by Federal Reserve Banks have validity as currency earned OUTSIDE of the United States, with mere use of it being taxable –
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 06:50:15 +0000

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