Rosa Luxemburg. The great INDOMITABLE (1871-1919) Today, 5th - TopicsExpress


Rosa Luxemburg. The great INDOMITABLE (1871-1919) Today, 5th March is the 143rd birth of anniversary Rosa Luxemburg, the greatest Marxist feminist revolutionary the World has ever seen. The indomitable Rosa Luxemburg was born 5th March 5, 1871 in a Jewish family in Zamosc, in the Russian- occupied part of Poland. Rosa Luxemburg remains the best-known woman theorist in the history of Marxism. When it comes to absorbing and rethinking the contributions of so historic a figure as Rosa Luxemburg. In this sense, the final words that we have from her pen ring as loudly today as when she wrote them: “I was, I am, I shall be!”. Rosa Luxemburg is famous for her book ‘The accumulation of Capital’, Published in Germany in 1913. This book is regarded as her most important theoretical work in which she criticized Marx’s ‘Das Capital’. Rosa was Polish-born German revolutionary and agitator who played a key role in the founding of the Polish Social Democratic Party and the Spartacus League, which grew into the Communist Party of Germany. As a political theoretician Luxemburg developed a humanitarian theory of Marxism, stressing democracy and revolutionary mass action to achieve international socialism. Among the major Marxist thinkers of the early twentieth century, Rosa Luxemburg maintains her relevance most clearly to our time. Her legacy grows in relevance as the global nature of the struggle against capitalism becomes more evident, and as the energy and initiative of ordinary people becomes decisive for the movement for human liberation. Luxemburg was among the most important antimilitarist figure in European history, and it is a testament to their enduring legacy that so many continue view them as a rallying point amid the challenges of imperialist war and terrorism. The legacy of Rosa Luxemburg (1871-1919) extends far beyond her contribution as an antimilitarist, however. Her life and work also speak to the search for a liberating alternative to the globalization of capital. More than any other Marxist of her generation, Luxemburg theorized capitalism’s incessant drive for self- expansion, focusing especially on its destructive impact upon the technologically underdeveloped world. Her critique of capital’s drive to destroy non-capitalist environments and her fervent opposition to imperialist expansion has taken on new importance in light of the emergence of a new generation of activists and thinkers opposed to globalised capital. Rosa Luxemburg was one of the most original characters ever to participate in the socialist movement., she joined the revolutionary movement as a teenager, becoming active with Proletariat, one of the first organizations of Polish Marxists. She was smuggled out of Poland in 1889 when the group was crushed by government forces. She attended the University of Zurich from 1889 to 1897, where she wrote a doctoral dissertation entitled The Industrial Development of Poland. Luxemburg, Lenin and Einstein were all contemporary and participated in in intense debate and discussion in Zurich and Lenin. She had a number of Political differences, especially over the national question, given Lenin’s support for self-determination of oppressed nations. Luxemburg also disagreed with what she considered to be Lenin’s overemphasis on organizational centralism. Their views largely coincided, however, on the 1905 Revolution and its international ramifications. She was murdered during the Spartacus Revolt of January 1919. We pay great tribute to the revolutionary legacy of Comrade Rosa Luxemburg on her 143th birth anniversary .Let me give my RED SALUTE to this great COMRADE of working class. Rosa Luxemburg Zindabad.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 19:43:46 +0000

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