Rose Planting Tips There are several factors to consider when - TopicsExpress


Rose Planting Tips There are several factors to consider when designing a garden to help insure that it turns out as well as possible. The first of these considerations is to understand the mechanics of rose planting. Once you get the hang of this part, you can go on to have the beautiful harden you always dreamed of. When rose planting, the most important element a gardener needs to consider is where the best spot is to locate a bush. Most experts agree that roses need at least six hours exposure to direct sunlight. Once you have found just the right spot for maximum sun exposure, you next have to make sure that the spot has adequate drainage for the plant. If the sunniest spot runs the risk of sitting in water after a rain storm even for a little bit of time, then the spot is simply not suitable for your new rose. Another important consideration is to make sure that roses new location is not too close to trees that will likely have roots that can encroach on it. This insures that the tree doesnt steal the nutrients that are designated for the roses. The next important step is to pick out bushes that have green growth, look lively and are well hydrated. Many experts also advise picking the bushes that are classified as Grade 1. If you are getting a bush whose root is uncovered and not in a container, or have some that are healed in after storage over the winter, you might want to consider soaking them in a pail of water to revive them for a few hours before you plant them. If your roses already come in containers, you do not need to pre-soak them before planting. Above all, most experts agree that you should avoid bushes that are paraffin-coated for your garden. When rose planting, you have to make sure the planting hole you dig provides an ample space for the root system. Some experts say to make it just slightly larger than the pot or root system, but others insist that the hole should usually be twice the size of the root ball. If youre looking to replace a rose bush that is older, it is essential to take out an area of soil at least 18 cubic inches in size and replace it with soil that is fresh. When you have a hole big enough to fit the root mass, loosen the soil on the bottom of the hole. At this point, you might want to consider adding some compost into the hole along with a small amount of bone meal. Bone meal is important to rose health as it is a slow acting source of Phosphorus and helps to promote healthy growth of the roots. Some experts promote mixing the soil from the hole with an additional amount of compost and bone meal. Others suggest adding a quality planting mix which should contain about 1/3 part of fertile top soil, 1/3 part of organic materials (such as a mix of manures, vegetation that has been composted, and shredded leaves) and 1/3 a part of brown creek sand (not like the sort which is found on golf courses). Lastly, plant the rose in the hole. If your rose comes in a container, remove the pot, and for those rose bushes with bare roots, spread the roots slightly. Refill the hole with your soil/bone meal mix and make sure the soil settles around the roots of your plant leaving no air space, then fill up the hole. Just before adding the final few inches of soil over the roots, water your new plant and let it sink in before adding the final amount of soil. Tamp the soil around each new rose to firm the soil lightly. Tega Noel is a rose gardening expert. For more great tips on rose planting, visit caring-for-roses.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 23:04:54 +0000

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