Rosemarie McGuire understands exactly what is going on. She hits - TopicsExpress


Rosemarie McGuire understands exactly what is going on. She hits the nail right on the head. Rosemarie McGuire Thats what a Coup does. It infiltrates a seated Government with loyalist of a revolutionary regime & within a country military. Google how many expert battlefield generals have been replaced or forced into retirement as new more pliant militarily puppets r inserted. How corrupt & evil Obamas personal & professional relationship with Mexicos current President is. Enrique Pena Nieto elected 2012. It clears up why Obama hasnt made 1 move, 1 phone call to simply free an active duty marine imprisoned in MX. Because he missed an obscure sign for last turn. A decorated marine. 2 tours in Afghan 3 medals not a thug from Ferguson MO. who assaulted a cop after robbing a store & violently shoving a store owner on clear video tape. Obama is evil not dumb. He gets the provocation to outrage that ignites! An envoy of top Adm. Investigators, dignitary sympathizers topped off by appointing Al Sharpton as some diplomatic ambassador to the black nation of MO ( or nation of islam- Farrakhan groupies ) States , militant movements within our country dont have Ambassadors, foreign nations do! Jeff Foxworthy heres your sign. Amnesty for millions plus enlisting to serve military for citizenship while30,000 patriotic active duty troops get npink slips. Its so ridiculously obvious! Hidden in plain sight! Not just a Gov. Full of Obama loyalist but OUR military infiltration as well! Election yr. Any other Pres. Would jumped on Marine cause with both feet. A prime popular PR sure thing! Why would asny Pres. Pass up such an easy win/win for both the Marine & the Dem. Party. Cause win/win isnt his agenda for OUR nation or for Dem.s even. Its lose, provoke, enrage, incite every group possible to fed up indignation & revolutionary rage!!! THAT is HIS AGENGA. Mayhem he has to step in to squash & enlist the UN to help him. MX gets its perks, help pay offs and the longer our Marine is detained 5 1/2 mnts. Now the angrier even meek, decent Americans feel. Its not just Black militants being stoked! Its neo-Nazis, Ranchers/ militias, common decent Americans & even a teen girl in college kicked outta class because someone sneezed & she said bless you! A woman in a dr.s office fired because she told a patient bless your heart!!!! How stupid ppl. Say, how incompetent ppl. Claim can this Pres. Be? Not 1 wit! He knows exactly what group to goad with every word, deed or innuendo he ushers forth! Incompetent? As an American Constitution protecting President sure. But as what he is, his agenda he hasnt made a misstep yet! In fact hes head long near the end zone goal, an successful Coup & death to America and the Constitution ( by grace) we rode in on!! Total catch- 22. Rage justified how do we get our country back without the violence of full out civil war when all these goaded groups ignite & give him every legal precedence of power too subdue, imprison, round up and even kill any refusing to pledge allegiance to the regime change of Obama!!! I see no possibility of non violence ahead! Just protecting ones family & land will demand it!
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 17:15:18 +0000

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