Rough Draft synopsis of declassified U.S. Army espionage case, - TopicsExpress


Rough Draft synopsis of declassified U.S. Army espionage case, from 1996, sent to the VA disability board, 30 May, 2014. Call sign: Eagleeye1 In 1996, I was also tasked with the extra job position of being the camera operator on the first flight of the Predator UAV system, during the regular Corp level “warfighter” exercise, at the highest echelon of the U.S Army. The Predator UAV is still considered to be the most important piece of Military Intelligence gathering equipment on the battlefield today. At the same time that I was tasked with being a Predator UAV operator, I was also the founding counter-espionage agent and lead investigating counter-espionage agent on an actual espionage investigation. I was eventually given a declassified medal in 1996 for the actual, “real world”, espionage investigation. Declassified copies of the medal and the recommendation for the medal are attached to this legal packet. The following excerpt is the declassified “write up” of the “incident”: The following information has been taken from an actual U.S. Army espionage case, and was originally classified “SECRET”. The U.S. Army espionage case was later declassified. Again, I was eventually given a medal for the now declassified espionage case. The declassified medal and the recommendation for the medal are attached to this report. The following is a typed copy of the information on the medal certificate, and a typed copy of the recommendation for the medal: “For: Outstanding performance of duty while conducting an initial SAEDA (Subversion and Espionage Directed Against the U.S. Army), investigation. You distinguished yourself by discovering a major insecurity dealing with classified documents. Your expeditious and proper handling of the situation reflects great credit upon you, the 163d Military Intelligence Battalion, and the United States Army.” From: 09 February 1996 thru 10 February 1996 Recommendation for medal: Achievement #1 “Due to his own initiative, knowledge of CI (Counterintelligence) investigations and security matters, and keen sense of responsibility, PFC Wisnovsky discovered a major insecurity dealing with “real world” classified documents. His discovery prompted and initial SAEDA (espionage) investigation.” Achievement #2 “PFC Wisnovsky’s discovery of “real world” classified documents during a III Corps exercise, possibly saved US personnel, installations, and III Corp elements during deployments.” Installations: U.S., NATO, and allied military bases. III Corp elements: At least one full Corp and at least two full U.S. Army Divisions. At the time this meant: 1st Calvary Division, 4th Infantry Division, and 2nd Armored Division, as well as III Corp. “Marine Corp”. Personnel: U.S., NATO, and allied personnel and soldiers. “Lives”. “Real World” classified documents discovered “IN HARM’S WAY”: Two signed for, double wrapped, numbered (with official SECRET cover sheets), complete copies of our actual War-Plans pertaining to: How the U.S. and allied forces thwart the invasion of South Korea by North Korea, and China. As well as At least nine extra-large heavy duty glad bags filled with “Secret” material and above. All of the secret documents were our actual “play by play” response in the computer simulation, of how U.S. Forces and their allies respond (again, “play by play”), to the entire North Korean military crossing the 38th parallel in South Korea, in an actual “real world”, “mock war” exercise. Summary of espionage case and discovery of the “Real World” classified documents discovered “IN HARM’S WAY”: In 1996, I was tasked with the extra job position of being the camera operator on the first flight of the Predator UAV system, during the regular Corp level “warfighter” exercise, at the highest echelon of the U.S Army. This meant, just like the Unit Armorer military specialty, I was also tasked in 1996 with being an expert on the new Predator UAV, Unmanned Ariel Vehicle System. (My normal job position was: Counterintelligence Agent in charge of Force Protection operations at the Corp level, the highest echelon of the U.S. Army). The Predator UAV is still considered to be the most important piece of Military Intelligence gathering equipment on the battlefield today. During the annual “warfighter” field exercise, I discovered one of the worst security violations in the history of the U.S. Army, in 1996 at the Ft. Hood, Texas, computer war fighting simulation center. During the initial espionage investigation, I personally discovered two garbage dumpsters filled with real world documents, (classified “Secret” and higher), “play by play”, of how the U.S. and its allies thwart the invasion of South Korea by North Korea, in the annual field exercise, at the highest echelon of the U.S. Army. During my initial espionage investigation, I also discovered two, signed for and numbered, “real world”, “double wrapped”, (with official “SECRET” cover sheets), complete, exact copies of our actual war-plans to thwart the invasion of South Korea, by North Korea: “Conveniently placed “into the dumpsters” outside of the Ft. Hood, Texas, computer war fighting simulation center, for the Chinese and North Korean espionage agents to “pick up”, “24”,“James Bond”, “Spy versus Spy”, and “Get Smart”, “style”. In my expert opinion, it seemed to me that “Someone!” wanted to make sure that their North Korean and Chinese espionage contacts received at least one copy of the extremely classified actual “real world” war plans, and were paid to do so. (Right, Lieutenant War Plans and Sargent War Plans?). Both exact, double wrapped, signed for, numbered copies of the actual “real world” war plans, also had official “SECRET” level hard cover sheets on top of them, making them far beyond classified. During the investigation I also discovered at least nine extra-large heavy duty trash bags filled with secret material and above. All of the secret documents were: Our actual “play by play” response in the computer simulation, of how U.S. Forces and their allies respond (again, “play by play”), to the entire North Korean military crossing the 38th parallel in South Korea, in an actual “real world” mock war. Due to “Providence”, I had discovered the massive amount of classified documents “IN HARM’S WAY” inadvertently, while throwing away a “Lipton Ice Tea can”, “into the dumpsters”, during the end of the long field exercise. Without my discovery and making the personal decision to go outside the parameters of my assigned mission, all of these documents would have ended up in the civilian garbage dump, outside of Ft. Hood, Texas. During the investigation I had to personally stop the civilian dump truck driver, (who shouldn’t have been there on a four day holiday weekend, “conveniently”), with physical force, from taking the “real world” classified documents and placing them in the civilian dump, for “Someone!” to pick up (again, conveniently). He also appeared to be Russian. The assigned Security Manager for the classified computer war-fighting simulation center did not appear to be acting correctly during my investigation, and was extremely hostile towards me as well. During the investigation, the Security Manager told me that he was “tired of all the assigned soldiers in the annual mock war: not doing their jobs and destroying the classified documents correctly”. He then stated to me that he personally called the dump truck driver to “pick up” the garbage dumpsters filled with classified material, because he was: “too tired and stressed out to deal with it”. My interview of the “hero” civilian (GS level 17) Security Manager should still be in my original report for the now declassified espionage investigation in 1996. The highly paid civilian Security Manager’s only job was to make sure the soldiers assigned to the computer simulation center destroyed all of the extremely classified documents correctly, during the U.S. Army’s largest annual field exercise. (He had at least one year to prepare). Personally, I had suspected at the time, and still suspect, that the entire situation had been “set up” by a professional espionage ring “for hire”, who specialized in brokering classified documents, internationally on the black market. I had suspected that most of these espionage contacts were double agents inside the FBI and civilian federal agencies, as usual. I had also suspected that the FBI and federal agents from the Waco, Texas, massacre of over 80 people, mostly children, in 1993, were involved in an actual espionage ring “for hire”, as featured in the movie “Breach”, about an FBI double agent, and suspected espionage ring, inside the FBI, “as usual”. Waco, Texas, is right next to Ft. Hood, Texas. “As a dog returns to its own vomit”. During the 1993 Waco, Texas, disaster, the FBI and other federal agents assigned to “save the children” during the standoff, had used Ft. Hood, Texas, and it’s state of the art MOUNT site, to train with U.S. Army’s elite “Delta Force” during the 1993 standoff. According to the press releases during the Waco, Texas, standoff, the FBI and federal agents assigned to “save the children” would have been very familiar with Ft. Hood, Texas, and soldiers and civilians assigned to security on Ft. Hood, Texas. (The espionage case in 1996 was only three years after the 1993 Waco, Texas, standoff). Again, please review the recent movie: “BREACH” about an espionage ring inside the FBI for details on the FBI’s long, rich history of espionage directed against the U.S. and its allies. The warrant officer who put me in for the medal, pulled me aside during the investigation, (after arriving on the scene four hours later), and personally told me: “In my over 20 years of counterintelligence, this is the worst security violation I have ever seen”. You will notice the declassified medal recommendation even states that: “PFC Wisnovsky’s discovery could possibly have saved U.S. Military personnel, III Corp elements, and U.S. Military installations, during actual “deployments.” “Installations”. In retrospect, I believe finding the dumpsters filled with real world documents, “play by play”, of how the U.S. thwarts the invasion of South Korea by North Korea, (and the two, signed for copies of the actual complete war-plans), would have been: As if the Patriots had the Cowboy’s playbooks during the Superbowl, if the documents fell into the hands of the North Koreans and China. At the time of my discovery of the massive security violation, in 1996, political relations between North Korea, South Korea, and the U.S., were at their worst ever, and concerns about North Korea invading South Korea, were the number one concerns of the U.S. and its allies. To most U.S. Military personnel at the time, an attempted invasion of South Korea by North Korea seemed guaranteed. It was a commonly known fact at the time of the investigation that China had stated numerous times to the press: “That if the U.S. deployed any “nukes” “at all, on the Korean Peninsula, that China would fire its entire nuclear arsenal at the mainland U.S. and its allies”. It was also a commonly known fact at the time, that if the U.S. and South Korea were overrun during an attempted invasion of South Korea by North Korea, the U.S. had stated many times that it would have no choice but to use small, tactical, artillery based nukes, (and other “tactical” nukes), if overrun by North Korea in an attempted North Korean invasion of South Korea. As one of the experts of Korean war fighting scenarios in 1996, I was required to watch all of the declassified press releases pertaining to North Korea, and try my best, (on my own time), to stay up to date and educated on the situation in North and South Korea. I can only “imagine” what would have happened that year if North Korea had obtained the actual war plans to thwart the invasion of South Korea by North Korea, and all of the “play by play” real world documents of how our entire command structure responds to an actual practiced invasion, of South Korea by North Korea. “PFC Wisnovsky, good job discovering the worst security violation in U.S. Army history”. “Try to sleep well at night, meditating on how close we came to complete and total mutual “nuclear destruction”, of the entire planet, if it wasn’t for you, and you alone”. “Thank you for your service to your country”. “10% disability benefits”, “and 50 Billion years of radioactive winter”. The initial espionage investigation had eventually been taken away from me, (I was only a low-ranking E-3/PFC, at the time), and sent to: “other espionage investigators in Washington D.C.”. The espionage case was eventually declassified and downgraded to a “massive security violation”. Again, the declassified medal and the recommendation for the medal pertaining to the espionage case are attached to this legal packet. On a more personal note, I’m just asking that, (after reading the declassified details of the medal I received for the espionage case, and verifying that the events “took place”), the VA disability board please try to consider: What could have happened if I did not go above and beyond the call of duty that day. The day I found the massive security violation was the last day of a very long field exercise, and was the beginning of a four day holiday weekend. I was also tasked out to a completely different unit, and my only job during the “war-fighter” exercise was to be the camera operator on the brand new Predator UAV system to: “stop the invasion of South Korea by North Korea”, in the largest “mock war” computer simulation of the U.S. Army. I could have easily said to myself: “this is not my problem”, and just walked away to enjoy the long four day holiday weekend, (like everyone else did, right in front of me, “can’t help you, four day weekend”). Security and proper destruction of classified documents was supposed to have been taken care of by the unit and chain of command that I was tasked out to during the field exercise, to fly their Predator UAV. I am also asking that the members of the VA disability board please try to take into account: “How often in U.S. Military history, has one soldier, and one soldier alone, most likely or possibly averted the total nuclear destruction and guaranteed radioactive winter of the entire planet, (again, all by himself), by going above and beyond the call of duty?” “FLASH!” “Now picture tens of thousands of mushroom clouds efficiently destroying the late, great, planet earth in a “SUM OF ALL FEARS”, “classic”, mutual destruction scenario, in less than a few hours”. “Thanks for serving, sleep well at night meditating on this nightmare “end of the world” scenario, 10% disability benefits”, “Protest”. Again, I could have easily said to myself: “I’m just a PFC, and this is not my job or my problem”, and just walked away from the massive security violation to enjoy the long four day holiday weekend. I was told by my chain of command at Ft. Hood, Texas, that the initial espionage case was immediately downgraded to: “A major insecurity dealing with classified documents”, and declassified as: “one of the worst security violations in U.S. Army history”. Again, the award for the declassified medal and the declassified recommendation for the medal, (that I received from being the lead agent on the: “initial espionage investigation”), are attached to this legal packet. I have attached an extra copy of both declassified documents to this section of this legal packet pertaining to my request for 100% VA disability benefits, “for Providence and Karma’s sake”. (According to “Providence and Karma” we only have one chance to “do the right thing” during our short lives, “and then the Judgement”: Achievement #2 “PFC Wisnovsky’s discovery of “real world” classified documents during a III Corps exercise, possibly saved US personnel, installations, and III Corp elements during deployments.”). All of these events, “took place”, in less than two years, (conveniently) around the time I contracting the toxoplasma gondii parasite, and severe, acute Vertigo with lifetime Benign Recurrent Vertigo Migraines, during active military service, between 1995 and 1996. End declassified synopsis of declassified 1996 espionage case. “The Day After”, “Sum of All Fears”, “End of the World” style movie, based on actual events, anyone? Every generation needs one, be honest. After a synopsis of the previous events, the movie screen goes black, and then: The Last Temptation of Christ style flashback: “and in this alternate scene, Wisnovsky walks away from the massive security violation: “This is not my job or my problem, four day weekend”. Next, the alternate “end of the world, mutual destruction” begins: “The North Koreans just crossed the 38th parallel!!!! We’re being overrun!!!! It’s as if they have two, signed for complete copies of our actual war plans!!!! And now to NORAD…FLASH!...end of the world”. (Japanimation, Manga, or computer animation would be a cheap way to tell this story, again, based on actual events). End Rough Draft synopsis of declassified espionage case sent to the VA disability board, 30 May, 2014. The declassified medal and the recommendation for the medal I received for the actual espionage case in 1996 are attached to this report. Call sign: Eagleeye1
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 02:03:16 +0000

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