Roxies first mile-walk on a main street. Did real good except for - TopicsExpress


Roxies first mile-walk on a main street. Did real good except for two incidents. We were almost at a 1/2 mile when we passed a house with a number of drunks on the porch. They made some lewd remarks, which I ignored. As we passed their side yard, they opened a door and let their pit bull dog charge us. It hit the cyclone fence at full speed and barked/growled so viciously, we were both shaking. Tightly grabbing Roxies leash near the collar, I almost dragged her to the nearest stores parking lot. Found a shady spot and then I released my grip so she could pace. It really scared her a lot. On our way back, some jerks in an old pick-up with glass-pack(?) pipes, slowed just before getting to us. I assumed he was going to be polite like most of the trucks, cars and multiple motorcycles that passed us and either slow down or go into the turn lane. Nope, that jerk got right next to us and gunned it. We both jumped and the passenger was hanging out the window laughing at us. Again, grasping her leash close to the collar, we got to some shade of an abandoned building and took some time to calm down. ..
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 20:54:19 +0000

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