Royal Barotseland Government writes UNESCO over Plans to make - TopicsExpress


Royal Barotseland Government writes UNESCO over Plans to make Barotse Plains a world heritage Site 26th October, 2014 Ms. Dominique Morisse Program Specialist World Heritage Center UNESCO, Paris, France Madam, Without reservation; we would like to state that, let nobody take the Barotzis for granted and the international community must be seen to promote peace and not cause antagonism between states. The distinct and separate status of Barotseland cannot be questionable. 1) Zambia is not Barotseland; in the same vein, Barotseland is not Zambia; the two are not identical. 2) The King of Barotseland is not the King of Zambia, and he shall never be! 3) There is no law, no philosophy that allowed Zambia to rule Barotseland before and after declaration of liberty in 2012. 4) Barotseland was not res nullius or terra nullius from 1500 to date 2014. 5) Barotseland was a British Protectorate and not a British Crown Colony. 6) Neither Mr. Lungu nor Chikwanda can prove how Zambia occupied Barotseland. It is indisputable that politics operates on abstract principles; whereas law operates on legality. When Mr. Kaunda said “we cannot have a nation within a nation” referring to Barotseland; that was not law but politics. 7) Who says Zambian politics is the only politics and Barotseland politics is not politics. 8) Mr. Sata, Mr. Lungu or Mr. Guy Scott all know thoroughly well that there was Barotse National Council that was convened in conformity with international law in 2012. But because they think Barotzis are easy to kill, they deliberately ignored principles of law, and continued in their aggressive acts to advance their quest for colonizing us. 9) The sovereignty of the Barotzish King and of the people of Barotseland cannot be alienated by Mr. Lungu or by cheap politicking. 10) There is absolutely nothing that warrants Mr. Lungu and his cohorts to meddle in the internal affairs of King Lewanika’s territory. 11) There are only three ways in which one can possess a territory: (i) By conquest (ii) Inheritance or (iii) By right granted (immigrants and aliens) 12) In her acts and activities Zambia has proved to be a rogue state. 13) Aliens as they are (according to game proclamation of 1905) Zambia keeps on going to the Litunga head of Barotseland hoping that they can make a point to the outside world to enable them ride on our backs. Whatever they do is based on the context of belief. They believe that when one steals, as long as he feels that there is nothing wrong, then that is acceptable. They believe that they can wipe away Barotseland like malaria or Ebola. If Mr. Lungu was civilized, he should have realized that no normal person could have the courage to nullify the Agreement and then insist on having the rights derived from the same Agreement that is nullified. Morally and legally it is inadmissible; except in Zambia and not in Barotseland. What a deceptive people! Can any reasonable person fail to understand what is meant by the clause “the people of Barotseland shall freely determine their political, social and economic development” as asserted at Barotse National Council in 2012. Zambia does not believe or consider or regard people of Barotseland as people; for this reason, people of Barotseland were perpetually incarcerated for realizing for who they are! Ironically speaking, in 1989 UNESCO international Meeting of Experts on the elucidation of the concept of Rights of peoples, developed a detailed description of peoples and it defined peoples as a group of individual human beings who enjoys some or all the following features among them: i) A cultural homogeneity ii) Linguistic unity iii) Territorial connection iv) Common economic life All of these features made and still make Barotse Nation. Whereas those features cannot be found in Zambia, apart from being a cosmopolitan state! This definition is compatible with the meaning of people as referred to in the Barotseland Agreement 1964 where it states “people of Barotseland”. By the foregoing, it will be incredible for UNESCO to insist on, and believe that Barotse Plain in the Barotseland Territory is a heritage belonging to Zambia, a foreign entity from Barotseland. So whatever agreement you will enter into with Zambia over the Barotse Plain is not going to be considered valid to the people of Barotseland, because you were engaging with wrong people belonging to another state. Let the people of Barotseland decide whether Barotse Plain should become a world heritage or not! Please UNESCO we deserve the rights accorded to other people too. We hope that you will consider this piece of advice to be very cardinal. Yours faithfully, Rt. Hon. Kalaluka W. Mulope Secretary of State for Legal Affairs Royal Barotseland Government cabinet@barotselandgovernment cc. Nkandu Luo – Minister of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs in Zambia!
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 07:30:08 +0000

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