Rugare Gumbo has no legacy for the People of Mberengwa The - TopicsExpress


Rugare Gumbo has no legacy for the People of Mberengwa The tallest tree in Mberengwa in particular and Midlands in general has attracted the axe of the woodman. The tree is non other than Rugare Gumbo. Gumbo established his name as a fierce leader in the 1970s because of his Marxist-Lenist dogma and with Kumbirai Kangai and Josiah Tongogara added vibrancy and untrammeled energy in the liberation struggle. Yet with the fallout with Mugabe in 1978, Rugare Gumbo was for 22 years in political wilderness and when he was later readmitted into ZANU, he was like many other guys readmitted into ZANU (with the exception of Jonathan Moyo) politically castrated. Gumbo lost all the vibrancy, vision and brilliancy of the 1970s and no wonder why he lost elections to small boys like Makosini. He brought nothing except misery and poverty for the people of Mberengwa as he always danced to the tune of people from Mashonaland Central, let alone added to the divisions in Mberengwa in particular and Midlands in general. This is not to imply that his dismissal is legitimate but only to point that his departure from political leadership would not be missed in Mberengwa. More often than note he spent time quarreling with Mnangagwa over who was senior in Midlands as if the people of Mberengwa eat seniority. Go well Ngidi, you betrayed your motherland Mberengwa and when you have learnt the hardway. If history has any lessons, it is that people never learn from history. Manje manje ndakataura kuti pakaipa apa when I wrote an article what is there for Mberengwa in the current Zanu pf explosion, yet vana Rugare did not listen. Pakaipa apa. It is often stated that revolutions may consume their own children, but when just revolutions consume the fathers of the revolution, then we have reached a critical juncture. Be warned if you come from Mberengwa and belong to Mujuru faction that bhazi ravashava rava kufamba, the crocodile is showing its agility. This is not to imply that I support the crocodile but only to point to reality. Pane mukadzi washefu ka apa. Tamba wakachenjera, ndeye ropa ka iyi. All the same we urge all serious minded Mberengwa leaders to leave a legacy of progress in one way or another. Those who go up must always remember those who are down so that when you fall we may sympathise with you.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 17:43:01 +0000

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