Rule #3 (final) .... Encountering a 1% club on the - TopicsExpress


Rule #3 (final) .... Encountering a 1% club on the road... Scenario: You are tooling along down a beautiful two laner in the country, barely doing the speed limit and taking in the fresh air and enjoying the scenery. You see a large group of riders approaching in your mirrors. What do you do? Answer: Take the first road afforded to you, or pull over and get the hell out of the way. 1%ers are notorious for exceeding speed limits and usually are on their way to more brothers, and are in a hurry. You do not want to be the cause of delaying them, or slowing them down. Get off the road, stay on your bike, and lift a hand in greeting and respect (Ride safe...the road is yours). If you are on the interstate, change lanes. Signal your intentions, and move over and slow down, allowing them to pass. Dont force an entire column of riders in tight formation to change lanes and go around YOU. Signal and move over. Its all a matter of respect, people. And a modicum of common sense and consideration for others. Raise your hand. Ride safe. The road is yours . Scenario: You are grabbing a bite at your favorite bbq restaurant. You usually have a few friends with you, and sit at the long table in the back. So you assume your regular place in the restaurant, and get your order. You are enjoying the large sandwich and fries, when in walk in 8 or 9 Sons of Silence. And they are walking right towards you. What do you do? Answer: What do you think you do! You get up and let them have the long table! I would do this for ANYONE. Stand up, grab your lunch, and move. I said, Here. Take this table guys. Enjoy your lunch. As I was walking off, one of them said Thanks. Now this is just common courtesy. But if the whole place was empty, and they had decided on the table I was sitting at, I assure you...they could have it. And I would have said the same thing...Enjoy your lunch. Scenario: You and a couple of brothers have enjoyed a ride into Texas to visit your favorite leather good store. You are all two-up, with wives and girlfriends. Youve just had your family club patches sewn on, and you are proudly wearing them on your shiny black leather vests. But it is getting hot and its time for a cold one, so you head to your favorite watering hole. You cross the Roosevelt bridge over Lake Texoma and ride into Kingston. In a minute, you are pulling into the parking lot of Laceys Bar. And there, all nicely lined up are 30 or so motorcycles. You back in on the other side of the lot, when you notice the red and yellow diamonds on some of the bikes. And in the middle of those diamonds is the 1% sign. The Banditos are in the house. Your ol lady is obviously thirsty, and she and her girlfirends are ready to get inside out of the heat. You are thirsty too. But you know, inside, theres 30 or more 1%ers drinking and having a hell of a time. The danger is obvious. Or is it? What do you do? Answer this. What would YOU do?
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 05:23:17 +0000

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