Rules: Once you are tagged you are supposed to write a note with - TopicsExpress


Rules: Once you are tagged you are supposed to write a note with 100 truths about you. At the end, chose 10 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person that tagged you. Tagged means. Im interested in knowing your 100 truths. 1. Real Name: Lauren 2. Nicknames: Oni, Eli 3. Zodiac Sign: Gemini 4. Male or Female: Female 5. Elementary School: Miss it 6. High School: Miss it too, amazingly 7. College: Starting soon 8. Hair Color: Chocolate brown 9. Tall or Short: 55 average? 10. Shirt or Sweater: Either or 11. Sweats or Jeans: Jeans 12. Phone or Camera: Both 13. Health Freak: Not really 14. Orange or Apple: Apple 15. Do You Have A Crush On Someone?: Not answering 16. Eat or Drink: Both 17. Piercings: Ears, maybe more in the future. 18. Pepsi or Coke? Both HAVE YOU EVER... 19. Been on an airplane? Many times 20. Been in a relationship? Sadly 21. Been in a car accident? Um... I have? But no injuries. 22. Been in a fist fight? Nope FIRST AND LAST- 23. First Piercing: When I was little 24. First Best Friend: His names Justin. Been my friend since I was little 25. First Award: Art, Music and for being nice XD 26. First Crush: His name was Lazaro 27. First Word: Papa 28. First Car: Honda Accord 94 and hes parked in the yard
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 22:32:26 +0000

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