Rules of the ICA! Our Association is having an unbelievable - TopicsExpress


Rules of the ICA! Our Association is having an unbelievable success, with a great number of requests of subscription, and I share with all of you this surprising result. Our philosophy is that to form and create a Cutman Association in all the World , with the objective of safeguarding the health of the fighter using the best modern techniques of hemostasis , sterility and any news materials. Every Cutman of the ICA, has to be highly qualified and as professional as possible. One of the main aims of the ICA , is to gather all the Professional Cutmen of the world under a unique symbol. We hereby confirm that the ICA is a no profit associates. To subscribe to this Association , should send a written application , a CV documenting their experience and any certification of training courses. No fee is due and no member is entitled to collect subscription rates. New subscribers are therefore warned against any ambiguous behavior individuals. OFFICIAL RULES ICA Article 1) ICA is a not profit Association and therefore no subscription fees are due. Article 2) Founders are : Federico Catizone Michael Schmidt Adam Gigli. Article 3) There will be one or more representatives from each Nation. They are supposed to : A- Spread the objectives of ICA in their Countries. B- Evaluate and eventually accept new subscription made by professional Cutman of their Countries. The following are the official representatives for each Country : France : Laurent Boucher Coniquet. United Kingdom : Adam Gigli. Germany : Michael Schmidt. Italy : Federico Catizone. Eire : Joseph Clifford. Ukraine : Dmitry Luchnikov. Netherlands : Stefan Lems. Brasil : Felipe Schonrock. Article 4) : Subscription requirements : A)- At least 3 Years of experience as a Cutman. B)- Candidates should have the following format : > Personal data and email address. > Years of experience as a Cutman. > Any Training Course Certifications. > List of participation to events as a Cutman ( enclosing possibly picture and or movies ). > Cutmen with certified experience in national and international sport events will be selected as members of the ICA. > Candidates ( except the National representatives) should send their requests whitin a week to [email protected] Article 5) : The subscription requests will be evaluated by a special Committee. Article 6) : Those who will improperly use the ICA’s logo or their membership for commercial purpose and/or to claim un official titles will be immediately removed from the Association. Article 7) : ICA will recognize all the forming initiatives carried out by the members inside their national context, i.e.: Courses Upgrading meetings Masters Article : all members are encouraged to share their own professional experiences and to submit their ideas on ICA’s Facebook page. Article 9) : No member is authorized to change the features of the ICA , that is a no profit and professional Association , created by the above listed founders. Article 10) : All members will be provided by an official subscription certificate along with the official logo to pin ( optionally ) on their uniforms. Article 11) : The ICA committee will evaluate the actual professional experiences of each candidate. Article 12) : The Cutman who have not yet reached -3 Years- of experience ( as required ) can still participate in the discussions on our Facebook site. They will be considered “PRE-MEMBERS“ of the ICA. The Official Members will have a personalized certificate with the membership number.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 08:18:40 +0000

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