Rules: you get tagged and list down 20 facts about yourself and - TopicsExpress


Rules: you get tagged and list down 20 facts about yourself and tag 20 people. Be sure to tag the person who tagged you. 1. I have been called all three of my names (first middle and last) and will answer to any of the three but my favorite is Ryan 2. I am what Starburst would call a juicy contradiction. 3. I was born in Albuquerque but only have memories of living on the East Coast. 4. My favorite thing to do, whether its with family, friends, or strangers, is to open a beer and get to know each other 5. I have always felt distant towards others so I try to make up for that by being as social as possible with people. 6. I am constantly jealous of people in healthy long lasting relationships. 7. My taste in music changes everyday but my favorite genre to fall back on is Country 8. I am allergic to dogs even though i was raised with them in the house at all times. 9. I am attracted to crazy/energetic/modest females. 10. I have had the same best friend since I was 9, (I did add another one when I was 13 though) 11. I cry at sappy movies involving brothers, child and parent, or pets 12. I am constantly afraid that people talk bad about me when I am not around 13. I have been writing short stories and short novels since I was about 9 years old. Me and my best friend would occasionally act them out in is backyard 14. I tend to focus on other peoples happiness over my own 15. I am a military brat to the extent where most of my parental figures in life have military affiliation. 16. I used to sing in a school choir. I was a tenor/baritone. (Aubrey already typed this but I also sang the same parts in Choir) 17. My friends will often call me the garbage disposal because I LOVE all food 18. I am a table top role player and most of my characters tend to act somewhat like me in the beginning but by then end of the game I like to change them into who I want to be. 19. Despite the many different styles of friends that I have I very rarely feel like I belong when hanging out with them. 20. When it comes to my family members, there are three who mean the absolute world to me. My brother Lucas, I want for nothing else than to be happy and to continue learning with eagerness. My cousin Gavin, He has always had the potential to be great and seeing him grasp everything he has worked so hard for is a great influence. My cousin Thomas, I believe he was the older brother I needed growing up and he has given me some of my fondest memories to look back.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 00:14:31 +0000

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