Ruling on entering chat rooms on the network ( the Internet) for - TopicsExpress


Ruling on entering chat rooms on the network ( the Internet) for entertainment Ibn al-Qayyim - may God have mercy on him - he talks about jealousy on time - : Jealousy on time rolls ! It is fatal jealousy , the time inspired Altqda - ie fast sunset - my father side , slow return ... And the time when Abed : It is the time of worship and wird , and at the time of the aspirant is the demand for God , and Assembly him , and devote themselves to that whole heart . The time dearest anything, it is jealous that elapses without it , if the time of his death : he can not rectified at all ; because the second time and has earned your duty , if the time of his death , there is nothing for him to be remedied . Runways ( 3/49 ) . The most important is helping to seize times to escape from the councils empty , leaving the curiosity of speech , and the distance from the people of laziness and unemployment , and accompanying hardworking intelligent Allenbhae the cautious time , minutes , and indulge in the fun of reading and higher knowledge . Vaql conciliator of filling the present age and time of usefulness and work in favor of wholesome , Fitrqy in runways Highness and greatness , asks note or write a lesson or learn workmanship or visit the womb or back ill or advisable lost, or earning blessed with a baby is doing on his family Acfhm what is in peoples hands . Says Omar ibn al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him : I hate to see any of you Sabhlla - ie empty - do not work in the world does not work in the Hereafter . Said Abu Obeid Bin Qasim in peace Proverbs (48) . And not in the life of a Muslim entertaining to hear the sins and see the evil , and you know that these talks, which is contrary to Shara of obscenity to say , and bad in creation , is entering into this swampy muddy is than good Muslim , and who kept it in his life . Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him : ( Be careful on what will benefit you and seek the help of God ) . Narrated by Muslim ( 2664 ) . Even asks God doomsday for these times were spent in the gossip , writing and conversation while not help him , it is a harm : what would your answer ? . Abu Barzah Aslami said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him : (Do not go away ahead Abdul doomsday even ask about the old Wim Ovnah , Wim and his knowledge he did, and where he acquired his wealth and what he spent , and his body Wim Ablah ) . Narrated by al-Tirmidhi ( 2417 ) and corrected Shaykh al-Albani in True carrot and stick ( 126 ) . I know - my brother - finally : These chat rooms have corrupted the ethics of many, has been dispersed among loved ones , and divorced men their wives because of it , and lost the womens honor because of them , and deceived the faint of faith and frugal science , including queries and deviations Fazlt their feet , and to be a Muslim if he heard about the environment temptation or sin to deny her family and fit their situation - that was so capable of - or distance himself from those environments and do not be deceived strongly his faith , or that knowing their status , but it is a sport ! Vhmar brother questioner from indulging in the councils of the conversation on the network ( the Internet) , and I asked yourself which of obscenity and indecency , they are of little use many boards of damage , do not work in the world nor in the Hereafter Tinggi . If you find yourself in Angerara about strife and sin , from the conversation of women is needed , and the expansion in talking with this and that : know that you are at great risk , we hope to survive it yourself And Tatgaha restrictions accursed Satan . We have already in our alarm at the risk of the boards in this conversation many answers , including: ( 34841 ) and ( 78 375 )
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 21:42:11 +0000

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