Rumble rules 1) The buddy system: 2 buddies are good but 3 - TopicsExpress


Rumble rules 1) The buddy system: 2 buddies are good but 3 buddies are better. The buddy group is the nucleus of the gang. Always deploy your buddies against a single INDIVIDUAL opponent. If the enemy numbers around twenty and we nine, we initiate the buddy system, clustering the 9 into 3 groups. The 3 clusters fighting as one and each member of a cluster ganging up on an individual enemy at a time. In doing so we cut the enemies numbers in half, effectively defeating them, physically and psychologically. 2) Taunts and insults are crucial for stage 2. The main column, doing everything to become visible to the enemy via taunts and insults, (the other 2 columns doing their best to act in a confused manner, in order to simulate disorder within the ranks) soon the enemy will nibble on the bait and attack the first column (while the 2nd and 3rd columns are waiting on the flanks) The first column will execute a feigned retreat and proceed to move backwards, enemy bites the bait and falls into the trap, 2nd and 3rd columns encircle the enemy in a classic pincher move. 3) Power, Speed and Boldness. - A. M. Grey USMC Of all the consistent patterns we can discern in war, there are two concepts of such significance and universality that we can advance them as principles: concentration and speed. Concentration is the convergence of effort in time and space. It is the means by which we develop superiority at the decisive time and place. Effective concentration may achieve decisive local superiority for a numerically inferior force. Speed is rapidity of action. Like concentration, speed applies to both time and space. And, like concentration, it is relative speed that matters. Speed over time is tempo--the consistent ability to operate fast Speed over distance, or space, is velocity- -the ability to move fast. Both forms are genuine sources of combat power. In other words, speed is a weapon. Superior speed allows us to seize the initiative and dictate the terms of combat, forcing the enemy to react to us. It is a prerequisite for maneuver and for surprise. Moreover, speed is necessary in order to concentrate superior strength at the decisive time and place. Surprise is the paralysis, if only partial and temporary, of the enemys ability to resist. The advantage gained by surprise depends on the degree of surprise and the enemys ability to adjust and recover. Surprise is based on speed, secrecy, and deception. Boldness is a multiplier of combat power in much the same way that surprise is, for in what other field of human activity is boldness more at home than in war? Boldness must be granted a certain power over and above successful calculations involving space, time, and magnitude of forces, for wherever it is superior, it will take advantage of its opponents weakness. In other words, it is a genuinely creative force.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 01:24:36 +0000

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