Ruminations and Reflections Saturday, March 15th Season of - TopicsExpress


Ruminations and Reflections Saturday, March 15th Season of Lent – Day 10 “And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.” John 3:14-15 The Old Testament story to which Jesus is referring is another instance of the Children of Israel’s groaning and grumbling in the wilderness. What was with those people anyway…so glad human nature has outgrown those tendencies. J Annoyed, God sent poisonous snakes to punish them. Quickly seeing the error of their ways, they cried out to God, who then told Moses to fashion a bronze serpent and hold it up. Everyone who would look upon the snake would then survive their snake bites and be healed…saved. The parallel is easy enough to see. Steeped and strapped by sin, we are mired in our own hopeless place of wilderness. There is no way out, no escaping the punishment that is slithering our way…that is, unless God makes a way of salvation, a way of healing and deliverance. Enter Jesus, the one who was lifted high on the cross in the midst of humanity’s wilderness of sin as a means of healing and salvation. So, here’s a thought for this 10th day of the Season of Lent - As you confront your own sin, as you go through your day meeting the challenges that come your way, as you face the struggles and uncertainties of life, sickened by the poison and stumbling through the wilderness….. …..look to Jesus. Believe. Live. Blessings, Pastor Randy Rock Grove UMC
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 13:15:47 +0000

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