Running Inspirations - Live Within Your Means Weve all heard - TopicsExpress


Running Inspirations - Live Within Your Means Weve all heard this many times during our lives….Live within your means..most often relating to financial matters. On todays run I let my mind explore what truly living within your means….really means. These are certainly only my thoughts and yours may (and probably do) differ. I believe there are 5 areas in life where we should consider living within our means… Financial Spiritual Physical Nutritional Emotional Financial - Easy…right? If you make $10, you cant spend $11….its really that simple. In fact, if you make $10 you really should consider spending only 8-9 dollars so that you can save some for the future. Adjust your lifestyle to fit your income and this will make sense. You dont NEED the new iPhone79CSI…..having an iPhone never made anyone happy…regardless of what the TV commercials say. Happiness can be found at almost any income level because of one simple fact….THINGS dont make you happy….living a purposeful and fulfilling life do. Spiritual - Believe whatever you want, and respect other peoples right to believe whatever they want. In fact, believe deeply but dont aggressively push your beliefs on anyone else. If you need a book, building, or person to guide you in your beliefs…thats cool. If your book, building, or person guide you to a belief system that isolates, denigrates, subjugates, or has you harm ANYONE in the name of your beliefs….your beliefs suck…and youd better find some new ones. Physical - Not everyone has to look like a swimsuit model or an elite athlete. Pursue physical activities that make you feel good. Dont do things just because someone else wants you to….pursue your physical passions. Stay active and fit enough to enjoy the things you love on a regular basis. It could be running, hiking, camping, birdwatching, sightseeing, fishing…whatever. Strive to stay in good enough shape that your body can do the activities you love to do for as long as you love to do them. If your physical activities make you less fit, more injured, more stressed, less happy….then you are living well beyond your means. Your body should be your ally, not your enemy. Take care of it and love whatever shape it is. Nutritional - Eat a wide variety of good (and sometimes not so good) foods in moderation. Dont obsess over any one food item and mix it up from time to time. You dont need any special diets, potions, pills, or mixtures to stay at a healthy body weight. Everything you need to eat well is in your local grocery store….sometimes hidden by all the junk that we should mostly avoid. If you need some gimmick to lose weight…youll probably need that gimmick to keep the weight off. Any weight loss gimmicks usually benefit only one person…the one who sold it to you. Imagine our hubris thinking we need to develop something in a lab that would be better than what is growing out of the earth. Dont fall for the BS. Emotional - Leave the drama for the Real Housewives….they get paid to put on a show for you. Surround yourself with good people who believe in and support you and your goals in life. Exorcise toxic people and relationships from your life….just like you would a toxin in your body. In any toxic situation the toxin grows and the host is damaged….dont be that host. Some drama is inevitable….but deal with it and move on. Stress kills….dont be its victim. Sometimes the world really sucks. At times its a vile, dangerous, disgusting, deadly place to be. Other times it is the magical place of our dreams….and we dont often get to pick which world well run into on any given day. Our real recourse is to create a more beautiful world for each of us to live in…..and by doing that, we make it just that much better, and set a good example for others. Live well and enjoy your life my friends….if something in this note speaks to you, please pass it on. Thanks….and peace.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 19:59:12 +0000

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