Running after a Mirage; Sometimes you think that you can easily - TopicsExpress


Running after a Mirage; Sometimes you think that you can easily make one understand those easy terminologies, however, it proves to be so opposite for the other side. In a time when the whole Ummah is worried over the state of their brothers and sisters in Gaza who are attacked by the Israeli terrorist state, I am swamped with many discussions with the brothers on the social media on the recent statements of Tariq Jameel. He a Pakistani Speaker, who belongs to Tablighi Jama’a (party) attributed all the miseries of the Ummah today to our bad Amaal (actions) only. The main point is that calling for correction of your Amaal is a really good and positive call if you do not understand the problems of this scholar and the methodologies this party imply to carry the Da’wa. However, the timing of the speech and his appearance over Pakistani state channel is highly questionable where the Pakistani Army is under immense public preassure to take action over the Israeli onslaught over the people of Gaza. Honestly speaking, despite the fact that I have not watched this specific program, however, due to the knowledge that I have from his personality and his way of thinking, I can understand what exactly is he suggesting for which the Secular State of Pakistan will invite him for a speech on the national TV. Methodology: This party believes that Islam can come only and only through correction of our Amaal and is mainly involved in activities that has no relations with politics or other social activities, rather calling for prayers and spending time in Masajid. There is only one book (collection) of Hadeeth, Fazayel e A’maal, that they follow and teach after every Maghrib around the world, authenticity of many of which are highly questionable. In addition, they have a methodology that is strictly followed, however, has no root in Islam. It includes; 1. Gasht (Walk): Observed right after Asr of every Wednesday (in the west it is differed to Sunday), where they walk to each door and inviting people to attend the Maghrib prayer of the day and the following lectures, 2. Se Roza (3 days): whoever attends those lectures will be asked to leave the city for three days and spend them in the Masajid, where they will be taught how to pray 3. Chela (Fourty [days]): if one wants to be a called a better pious individual has to go to other cities and spend 40 days, three days in a different Masjid, where they will be practicing their prayers and giving lectures on correction of A’maal 4. Char Mahine (Four months): it is to gain more piety by spending four months in the same fashion as of 40 days 5. Saal ([1] year): the highest level of piety is gained when one leaves all his business, family and rest of activities and spend them in the same fashion as above, but out of country. 6. Salana Ijtima’ (Annuel Gathering): where almost all of this party’s members in each country come together and spend time in listening lectures. In some countries like Pakistan, India and Bangladesh this number goes up to a million This is while all of the above is called Khoroj that is a specific term used for an all out defensive Jihad. There can be found no other activities conducted by this party and they specifically focus on the above activities. No call for jihad, correction of the banking system, struggle against Corruption, putting the rulers accountable and removal of the non-Islamic, secular states and to replace them with an Islamic state. This is so typical of secular activities but quite in an opposite method, where making individual religiously disconnected from the state. Observing their methodology, we shall look in to the Sunnah of Muhammad ur Rasoolullah sas, to find out whether this has any relations to what has been revealed to us. Almost all the experts of Seerah agree upon the fact that the Da’wa of Rasoolullah sas in Makkah has been divided in to three phases that are: 1. Culturing; This is the first days of the Da’wa where those who accept Islam are cultured in secret and the main focus of the Da’wa is on the individuals, where the conceptual cleaning and replacement happens. The Jahiliya concepts that results in decline and inhumane society, un-Islamic way of life, traditions, laws, systems and state is replaced with those that results in humane, prosperous and developed society, Islamic way of life, humane traditions, laws, systems and state. Majority of scholars believe it lasted for three years, while some also believe it lasted for five years. There was no major public interaction during this period. But the main understanding from this period is that it only lasted until a group of up to forty strong Muslims emerged who could have a significance in the society and can carry the call upon the society. 2. Public Interaction or Political struggle; During this period the main focus shifted from the people upon the society itself to change. Therefore, it was the time when the calls were made not to correct your A’maal only but also challenging the beliefs, traditions, laws, systems and the state. If there were individuals who would accept Islam during this period, Muhammad sas will culture them in private or send other Sahabah who were already cultured in the first period to culture them. 3. Seeking support (Nusra): Even though harsh and stiff resistance was peaking the society revealed some signs of being able to change. However, this was not seen in Makkah, but in the whole of Peninsula. Therefore, Muhammad sas, started traveling to different tribes to seek Nusra, so he can establish the state. The famous of which is the Tayif where the people of Tayif had beaten him. Later this Nusra was given by the people of Yathrib, and the state was established there. While the above points from Seerah explains the situation well, the numbers in Tablighi party goes beyond the needed individuals in a group to carry the Da’wa publicly and interact with the society to change all the Jahiliya (Secular) beliefs, traditions, laws, systems and the state and replace it with an Islamic state, that Allah swt has called it a Rahmah for mankind. Members of this party including Tariq Jameel, also claim that the battle of Uhud resulted in defeated because of the bad A’maal of Sahabah which some go as far as to interpret it as lust for wealth. It is no more than an accusation, because in reality that was a simple military mistake and test from Allah swt to teach us to follow the orders of the Amir for reasons even if not justified to us. Approach: The second major problem is their approach to carry the da’wa. They focus on individual from the day of their inception until today and has not moved out of it yet. In addition, they have never indulged in any sort of activities or discussions that is focused on correction of society in a manner that Muhammad sas has conducted and cultured his companions on it even in the first phase. The Tablighi party, has stayed within the extreme level of individualistic approach within which they have only discussed the ‘Ibadat (worshiping), with the hope of bringing a change in the society holistically. This contradicts the reality observed within the Seerah. There are varying counts of Muslims who immigrated to Madinah, the highest of which is 450 families. While in Hujjat ul Wida’ there were only a 100,000 Muslims attending the Hajj only while the rest who were unable to attend for various reasons are unaccounted for. Therefore, the only way to bring Muslims in to a practicing society holistically, is to establish the state through which an Islamic atmosphere is built, where all the individuals become practicing Muslims. I would like to repeat the example I always give that, society is like a pool of water, where the individuals are like the fish inhabiting in it. The cleanliness or the dirtiness of the fish all belongs to the state of water. The only way to change the state of fish from dirty to clean or vice versa is to change the state of water of the pool. And this is what Muhammad ur Rasoolullah sas did, which this party is not willing to do. This type of approach is a secular one in which they have abandoned their social responsibilities and only have limited their work to worshiping. In other words, adapting the soft activities are the only focus of the party, something, if conducted by Muhammad sas and his companion RA, Quraish would have never had any problem with it. The main problem of Quraish with Islam and Muhammad sas was that they were calling for Allah swt interfering in their daily lives in which; a. The ruler will not be selected by them but Allah swt, b. The legislations will come from Allah swt and not from Dar ul Nadwa, the equivalent of the parliament at the time, c. The criteria for choosing the ruler will be the piety and being best among the people and not the ethnic superiority or having more wealth, d. The equality amongst the citizens and, e. Etc. Therefore, they fought hard and with whatever they had in their possession to stop this ideology to establish the state and even when the state was established to uproot it and make it history. This is something they are not willing to approach. This method of approach is cursed by Allah swt as it was the method of approaching the matters by Jews, who would follow the hukm if it is in their favour and will not when it was not. Political loss: The government of Pakistan in the first place and the rest of the world, especially the western powers have always welcomed this party by allowing them in full strength to carry on their da’wa. The major reason for this interest of the non Islamic states lies in the misdirection of the Islamic emotions of the Muslims from the conduct of their full responsibility that is called as a Rahmah by Allah swt. From the day of their inception, this has been used as a means and in return the party’s leadership has made sure to not even indulge in making dua for the matter, no matter how hot the atmosphere is. The appearance of one of their best speaker on the state TV that preaches nothing more than secularism, is nothing more than using them to suppress the hard feelings of the people of Pakistan towards the senselessness of the rulers over the case of Gazan Genocide. Muhammad Mustafa Mustaan
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 11:10:42 +0000

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