Running errand this morning and two women at separate occasions - TopicsExpress


Running errand this morning and two women at separate occasions stopped and asked me if i was a trainer. One woman proceeded to tap on several body parts she wanted to fix. The other woman told me wasnt a lesbian (huh?!?) but she thought i was beautiful and would like to jump into my body ( first - why even say that and second ... Ummm awkward!) Both women said they hated their bodies, both women asked what was the best exercise for getting rid of their belly and both told me they wanted a round bootay... Must be a universal chick thing.. Both women made their displeasure known when i told them that diet accounts for 85% of their fitness success. One woman even proudly showed me her mango, papaya, banana smoothie ( holy sugar rush!) while the other woman told me she runs religiously but cant seem to build muscle. When I Asked her what was her routine- she told me she runs... Thats her workout. I find it hard to explain to women that I really dont do cardio and if I do its the step mill and that I lift like the boys that seems to click for many women but then i am usually greeted with an odd face and its followed by but your not bulky or some variation of that ( they should have seen me a few months ago when i was 15 lbs heavier). Striking the right balance that works for you can be tough - magazines, TV, movies, models still celebrate the incredibly thin- although i seem to find a change in that trend and curves are being celebrated more often but letting go of a body image that you have protected for a lifetime can be challenging ... Many women think that lifting heavy weights will Make them bulky, look fat, look Like a man, make them look Unattractive and best yet make the number on the scale go up ( and if you do it right it will but your clothing size will shrink in many instances) but will proceed to point out to pictures of what they want to look like and the picture is generally a well muscled ( i hate that word- toned) woman that is at a normal body fat so the muscularity is not as evident. IMHO women are not meant to look prepubescent - we are women - gorgeous, seductive and curvy and that goes for thin and full bodied women. A little muscle here and there only enhances your physique! Dont be intimidated to approach the weight lifting area of the gym- ask questions-people are generally really good about helping women out who are interested in weight lifting! Read- get a trainer- observe others- do research. Get out of your comfort zone -dont be afraid or embarrassed ... You and your body will thank you for it!!
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 20:47:49 +0000

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