Ruperto Vicente: This is your moment of truth Mr. FFB President. - TopicsExpress


Ruperto Vicente: This is your moment of truth Mr. FFB President. The federation you preside over is in debt to the football fans of Belize and it is time to do your job or step down. You owe the nation of Belize an explanation. You took over the FFB and put together what seemed at the time to be an impressive team of directors and assistants mandated to correct the shortcomings of the Chimilio administration. During the early stages of your tenure you had everyone singing the praises of the FFB and I can remember even the Trinidad & Tobago federation using your progress as a talking point. The entire country of Belize and Belizeans all over the world were filled with hope during the Gold Cup in 2013 even though the inability of the federation to hire a recognized coach was the first sign that something was wrong. Fast forward to 2014 and the FFB has all but crumbled under its own weight. Our participation in the U-20 World Cup Qualification Rounds in El Salvador was a disgrace not so much because of the dismal results but more because of the disorganization and obvious lack of preparation displayed ...all familiar characteristics of the Chimilio era. Now our FFB facility is once again the reason for our exclusion from a very important regional tournament like the Champions League - CONCACAF edition. QUESTION: Did not the FFB recently receive a substantial amount of money to refurbish the in $2,000,000.00? Why must we prove the critics right time and time again? QUESTION: How is it possible that with all the scrutiny the FFB has been under lately, more attention wasnt paid to how that landscaping project was progressing? Where is the check and balance? QUESTION: Why wasnt the pitch project put in the hands of professionals who had done that type of work before? There are those that complained when the contract for the upgrading of the lights was granted to a foreign company but we dont hear anyone complaining about the lights do we? QUESTION: And with all due respect to Marvin Ottley and his accomplishments with the Yabra Sporting Club, where is our press conference notifying the Belizean public of the departure of Mexican Coach - Enrique Diaz and the reasons for his departure? QUESTION: Where is our press conference explaining what occurred in El Salvador? QUESTION: Where is our press conference explaining why our U-20 team had no practice matches before being led to the slaughter? And while were at it... QUESTION: Qualifications for the Gold Cup 2015 edition will be held in the U.S.A. in September and I am sure you know that it is only a month away. Where is our Mens National Team and where is our progress report? Is it true the Mexican coach walked off because only 6 players showed up for practice? QUESTION: Why have no practice matches been organized for the Jaguars? Or are you going to throw a team together a week before the tournament just to save face? QUESTION: What now FFB? Where do we go from here? And what do we tell the Belmopan Bandits and their fans? Ruperto Vicente - YOU ARE FIRED... Vex who fi vex...
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 03:26:54 +0000

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