Rush Limbaugh (sadly) is STILL the JOSEPH GOEBBELS of the - TopicsExpress


Rush Limbaugh (sadly) is STILL the JOSEPH GOEBBELS of the REPUBLICAN Party/conservatives in this country. Before we all wax too nostalgic and begin to lament the loss of our “traditional values” that Limbaugh is crowing about, let’s look back at what some of those discarded “traditional values” were. American women have all too often been the main focus of many of our conservative “traditional values”. Remember the “good ol’ days” when women were supposed to be subservient to men/their husbands, and remained in “their place” which was “barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen”? You may have come a long way, baby, but in almost 250 years we still haven’t elected a female President; you’re still (legally) going to earn less money for doing the same job as your male counterparts; and REPUBLICANS/conservatives genuinely rue the day that we ever allowed women to win the right to vote and they are actively working to take this country back about 50 years in time when it comes to a woman’s reproductive rights! SLAVERY used to be another one of those lovely “traditional values” in our country. Along with that come such memorable traditions as LYNCHING; SEGREGATION; being forced to ride in the back of the bus; oh yeah . . . and those REPUBLICANS/conservatives still aren’t too happy about YOU winning the right to vote either. DEBTORS PRISONS; Burning “Witches”; corrupt political machines controlling our elections; and being BLACKLISTED unfairly because some fool with a little power labeled you a “communist” without a shred of proof were once “traditional values” in our country also. Working 12+ hours a day (with no “overtime” pay) for 6-7 days a week with no vacation and miserable CHILD LABOR conditions were also among our traditions. “Traditional values” once dictated that people from different races could not legally marry in this country; and sadly, one thing that is no longer a “traditional value” among REPUBLICANS/conservatives in our country the way it once was is making sure that our country led the world in educating our citizens. Still feeling nostalgic?
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 05:07:58 +0000

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