Rush Limbaugh’s right about Benghazi: “Where ‘there’s a - TopicsExpress


Rush Limbaugh’s right about Benghazi: “Where ‘there’s a lot of smoke... There’s a fire.” On his radio show, Rush Limbaugh ripped House Republican Leaders for being wimps on Benghazi. “Waiting for CNN to do this isn’t going to cut it. People need to be put under oath,” said Limbaugh, referring to CNN’s exclusive report of a possible Obama-CIA secret gunrunning operation in Benghazi linked to the 9/11-terror attack. The CIA is also threatening and intimidating Benghazi survivors, including the use of extensive polygraph tests to ‘shut-up’ the witnesses of the terror attack, alleged the CNN report. This would account for why, almost a year after Benghazi, not a single Benghazi survivor has once testified publicly before Congress. In fact, most have gone ‘missing-in-action’. Obama and his goons have effectively ‘shut-them-up’. “Democrats are scared to death what Benghazi could mean to their party,” continued Rush Limbaugh. “Because they remember Iran-Contra, they remember what they were able to do with that….” Rush is right, but what if House Republican Leaders are also “scared to death what Benghazi could mean to their party”, or more specifically their own political careers? If Benghazi were a secret CIA gunrunning operation, it would’ve required a sign-off by top congressional leaders known as the “Big 8”, which includes Speaker Boehner. “According to section 503’s Presidential Approval and Reporting of Covert Actions in the 1947 National Security Act,” writes Kerry Pickett for Breitbart, “the President may not authorize covert CIA actions without informing the intelligence committees of Congress.” If House Republican Leaders were informed, it would make Benghazi potentially a bipartisan cover-up. It would also explain why House Republican Leaders have politically-stage-managed the whole Benghazi investigation from the very start. Certainly, with the appointment of a House Select Committee to investigate Benghazi, Speaker Boehner would largely lose control over the mushrooming scandal. Then so be it. It brings to mind what Team Obama once so colorfully wrote to fellow Democrats before the infamous vote on Obamacare: “At this point, we have to just rip the Band-Aid off and have a vote — up or down.” For once, House Republicans ought to take the Democrats own advice. It’s time to “have a vote — up or down” on H. Res. 36, the House Select Committee to Investigate Benghazi.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 03:13:56 +0000

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