Rush is right. All clear thinking Americans should be disturbed - TopicsExpress


Rush is right. All clear thinking Americans should be disturbed by the death of Eric Garner. Dr. Charles Krauthammer calls the non-indictment incomprehensible and a miscarriage of justice. George W. Bush calls it sad and hard to understand. The Southern Baptist Conventions Ethics and Religious Liberty Committee said a government which chokes its own citizens for selling loose cigarettes is not living up to Biblical principles. Of course those who read my reaction after the decision know that I fully agree plus some. Voices on the left agree. Russell Simmons says we havent seen protests yet. Juan Cartagena of HuffPost calls for grand jury reform, which is much needed. The NAACP is deeply disappointed. The ACLU is strident saying that Garners near last words have to be prophetic, It stops today. If Rush and the NAACP or GWB and the ACLU are on the same side, lightning has struck. We had better pay attention. All of this illustrates the point that Ron Poliquin made recently when he cautioned against zero tolerance law enforcement. He said that it inevitably causes civil rights and liberties violations. Many strongly disagreed with him, but he is right. We have to give discretion to our law enforcement officials so they can use professional judgment and common sense. A larger question that I have is why do have so many petty laws in first place. The nanny state invariably becomes the overbearing and overprotective parent. Those who dont feel a natural part of the family are the first to notice, but everyone will feel it eventually. It may be poor minorities today, but it will eventually be the Martin Niemoller scenario if all clear thinking Americans do not speak up. If one does not speak up for others, it may be when his/her turn comes, there will be no one left to speak up.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 22:54:42 +0000

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