Russ Bianchi is a food and beverage formulator and the Managing - TopicsExpress


Russ Bianchi is a food and beverage formulator and the Managing Director and CEO of Adept Solutions, Inc., a product and brand creation, management and conversion firm. Having worked as an applications formulator for over three decades, I have been able to create many successful products and brands. The purpose of this article is to assist all who read it in further understanding Zija’s different lines as well as the improvements that have been made to certain individual products. First and foremost, I want each of you readers to know that there is a deep problem that Zija’s products can nutritionally address. Most folks are overfed, heavily undernourished, and consume hyped up foods and beverages that simply do not promote or provide optimum wellness. As many of you know, there are numerous problems associated with nutrient deficiency including lack of energy, decreased mental alertness, and weight management difficulties. Diets do not work. Diets have never worked. Whether you participate in group weigh-ins, point counting, food delivered to your home that is backed and hyped by a celebrity spokesperson, or claims of scientific scales or indexes that do not empirically exist, these methods or reactive responses to base problems are a proven sham. I encourage you to watch a video by Mark Bittman called What’s Wrong With What We Eat. If diets truly work, why does the girth of the globe keep expanding? There is an ancient Asian proverb that reads: In every disaster there is opportunity.” ZIJA provides a proven system of diversified products that allows anyone to permanently achieve their wellness and financial goals. I wish to provide each of you with three simple concepts in this article: nutrition, products, and cleansing. A concept that we use daily at Adept Solutions comes from a philosopher and monk named Ockham: Invariably, the simplest answer tends to be the correct one. The simplicity, and therefore proven results, of Zija’s products is irrefutable. Simply put, results do not lie. As stated and demonstrated, we are in large part what we consume nutritionally, spiritually and emotionally. the Creators design is abundantly evident if only you look. To borrow from the string theory physicist Brian Greene, it is indeed an Elegant Universe, and each of us is indeed here for many positive purposes. Zija’s products and product lines were formulated with individual benefits and results in mind. It is important to remember that each unique person has his or her habits, predispositions, caloric intake (or lack thereof), and other factors that require attention. This also means that your mileage—or results—will vary. Lets talk about my good friend, colleague and brilliant researcher, Dr. Joshua Plant. He fortunately came to Zija as an answer to my prayers, with the foresight, experience and shared vision of Zija Founder Ken Brailsford. Without Dr. Plants vast knowledge—coupled with my practical applications experience—we would have never achieved the breakthrough improvement to Zija’s new and vastly improved SmartMix. Folks, America and beyond is basically “gunked up.” Many of us cannot even absorb proper nutrition in our bodies because we lack the essential bioflora, or metabolic means, to do so. This is the result of a dumbed-down food and beverage chain! The new SmartMix formulation contains the prebiotic Chicory Root, an ancient and safe herb, as well as FoTi Root, to assist those folks with compromised abilities to absorb the increased amount of Moringa oleifera found in this blend. Additionally, the new SmartMix is now sugar free; we’ve replaced it with natural stevia leaf, as opposed to chemically refined sweetener concoctions found in many slick retail shelf brands. These improvements to Zija SmartMix—More Moringa, prebiotic benefits for better absorption, and naturally sugar free—make this nutritional supplement beverage better than ever! Another option for helping folks reach their nutritional goals is Zija SuperMix. It is radically improved in value and proven results. SuperMix provides more Moringa leaves, seeds and fruit for additional wholesome goodness. This powerhouse botanical really is second-to-none. For those not seeking prebiotics, SuperMix may be their drink of choice. You know folks, Zija provides diversity with its entire product line. It is possible to play the game of golf with one club, but is it not more efficient and or enjoyable to use specific clubs for specific purposes? So it is with Zija’s liquid nutritionals, energy and performance, weight management, and skin care products! Let’s Drink Life In and live Life Unlimited!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 02:44:24 +0000

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