Russel Brand made the news with a political editorial, as you may - TopicsExpress


Russel Brand made the news with a political editorial, as you may have heard. He was brilliant in the interview, but the editorial itself may be even better, if you dont mind the inappropriate language here and there (his eloquence mixed with street language in fact makes it very funny, I think). Here is one of many hilarious, yet profound statements by him: Materialism and individualism do in moderation make sense. If you are naked and starving and someone gives you soup and a blanket your happiness will increase. That doesn’t mean that if you have 10,000 silken blankets and a golden cauldron of soup made from white rhino cum your happiness will continue to proportionately increase until you’re gouched out, swathed in silk, gurgling up pearlescent froth. Or his apt analysis of the inability of the Left to become popular and of the New Age movement to move anyone politically : involvement was being questioned, in a manner that is all too common on the left. It’s been said that: “The right seeks converts and the left seeks traitors.” This moral superiority that is peculiar to the left is a great impediment to momentum... Perhaps this is why there is currently no genuinely popular left-wing movement to counter Ukip, the EDL and the Tea Party; for an ideology that is defined by inclusiveness, socialism has become in practice quite exclusive. Plus a bit too serious, too much up its own fundament and not enough fun. The same could be said of the growing New Age spiritual movement, which could be a natural accompaniment to social progression... Anyway, read it yourself, because he has much more than a point: newstatesman/politics/2013/10/russell-brand-on-revolution
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 20:32:38 +0000

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