Russia is now trying to neutralize Turkey in the struggle for - TopicsExpress


Russia is now trying to neutralize Turkey in the struggle for Crimea One more analytic from Information Resistance: Russia is desperately trying to withdraw Turkey from a struggle for Crimea As is known, the Crimean Tatars are a reliable support of the territorial integrity of Ukraine and strongly oppose the holding of an illegal referendum in Crimea, organized by the “Goblin” (Aksenov’s criminal nickname), in every possible way. Thanks to their unity and compact living in separate (but key!) Crimean regions, Crimean Tatars can become an important force, which will make Putin’s plans stillborn. And despite the desperate attempts of Tatarstan representatives to enlist the support of Crimean Tatars, they stand their ground following the attitude that “Any treaty with Russia is not even worth the paper it’s written on.” Besides this, the Crimean Tatar people know that Turkey is behind them. It’s true that Russia tries to neutralize Turkey in the fight for Crimea, alluding to the negative consequences for Ankara in case it decides to stand up for the Crimean Tatars. Thus a number of Russian media ( pulling the Turkish media around by their ears, claim that now “there are things being carried out in Ukraine which are also being prepared in Turkey, where serious preparation is being done on the part of the implementation of a project of chaos.” Besides this, “Simultaneously with taking Ukraine under its control, the West starts – for the first time in the past 100 years – to block the independent actions of Turkey, as in Syria, for the purpose of taking it to another frontline of the geopolitical struggle between the East and the West.” Russian propagandists are also trying to hold false parallels for Turkey between events in Syria and Crimea. In particular, it is emphasized that “with regard to Ukraine, Turkey must avoid the error made in Syria, especially taking into account its own historical lessons… But today the Ukrainian crisis is perceived as a continuation of the Syrian one, and Turkey – as a transit zone of turmoil.” In support of this, the words of Ahmet Davutoğlu are far-fetched, that he allegedly thinks that “Ankara should not take risky adventures in Crimea, knowing what consequences may result.” Russian experts also point out that “an exit out of the legal expanse – both regarding Syrian settlement and in estimating the Ukrainian crisis – creates a dangerous precedent for Turkey: in the world there may appear states, that in order to realize their own geopolotical ambitions announce their recognition as one of the so-called Turkish “parallel governments.” Thus, Russia makes it clear to Turkey to understand that if it stands up for the Crimean Tatars, it risks having problems with Kurds, who live at the south-east of the country and very often behave very aggressively. Even much more aggressive than the “Banderite neo-Nazis.” In this regard, the Turkish secret services should think about the possible links between Kurdish terrorists and Russian intelligence. Also, Russian experts, shining light on the official position of Ankara in regards to Ukraine, are deliberately silent about the statements of the senior leadership of Turkey that “it is necessary to preserve the territorial integrity and political unity of Ukraine” and that “Crimea is a part of the Ukrainian territorial and political integrity” (President of Turkey Abdullah Gül, March 5 hurriyetdailynews/president-gul-warns-against-new-cold-war-over-ukraine-crisis.aspx?pageID=238&nID=63247&NewsCatID=338 ). Furthermore, on March 4, the Turkish Prime-Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, during his telephone conversation (hurriyetdailynews/president-gul-warns-against-new-cold-war-over-ukraine-crisis.aspx?pageID=238&nID=63247&NewsCatID=338) with Russian President Vladimir Putin stressed that, “Ukrainians have to find their own way out of the crisis,” adding that the “instability in the country of Black Sea region will have regional impact.” It’s true Russian media, for reasons known only to Putin chose to keep silent about the territorial integrity of Ukraine. Parallel to this, the Russian authorities are trying to intimidate the leadership of Transnistria [Prydnistrovya] and possibly enlist their support in case of military intervention of Russian invaders into Ukraine from Transnistria. In connection with this balanced position of the PMR [Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic] in regards to the situation in Ukraine, Russian experts call it counter-productive. And they claim that such a position “may play a cruel joke on Tiraspol.” All the more so because it’s the silent Transnistrian “lambs” who may become the first ritual sacrifice of not so diplomatic (like the acting MIA minister Andrii Deshchytsia) and scrupulous “wolves,” preparing “a quick fix” of the Transnistrian “problem” at the hands of “new” Ukraine and taking into account “the direct interest of Romania.” In the context of new information about the transfer of 700 Russian special forces to the territory of PMR, such calls from the Russia raise questions about the need to tighten border controls at the border with PMR and the transfer there of Ukrainian troops in order to block the invaders of the PMR. There is, however, a question: how have Russian forces get into the PMR? At the same time, Ukrainian and Moldovian secret services have to block Russian occupiers in Transnistria, and then when they attempt to break through towards home – to arrest and prosecute. Information resistance
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 05:20:45 +0000

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