Russia the only country speaking of SA atrocities October 14, 2012 - TopicsExpress


Russia the only country speaking of SA atrocities October 14, 2012 - by Avigdor Eskin, translated from the Russian by Karlinka Bismark Russia is the only country that speaks of the atrocities of Africans in South Africa. Avigdor Eskin stirred the world, with 34 striking miners at a platinum mine in Marikana South Africa were shot and killed by police during a protest. Be clear: this is not about the times of apartheid: the time and place – here and now. As a result, the government first set out to bring to justice the miners themselves and accuse them of provoking bloody riots. However, the world-wide publicity forced President Jacob Zuma to change his mind. All those arrested were released. Miners and mine-owners directly linked to the ruling party, “the African National Congress’, hastened to meet halfway in the demands for higher wages. So the conflict was over. It will be recalled that the global response to the aforementioned carnage did not include South African Embassy pickets and calls for sanctions, as happened after Sharpeville in 1960. On March 10, 1960 seven thousand black demonstrators surrounded the building where the police station was and tried to take it by storm. The police opened fire, killing 69 blacks. For the “Sixties” in the world, this event has become iconic and unforgettable. The protests covered almost all the countries of the West. A UN Security Council adopted a resolution at No. 134 condemning the actions of the authorities in South Africa. The Battle at the mine of Marikana did not receive this massive reaction, because the miners were not shot by white police, as it was in Sharpevile, and their black counterparts. A month ago, the “Voice of Russia” in English, reported on Marikana. It was the first of its kind. And it has been widely rastirazhirovana. As long as 18 years ago, the apartheid regime in South Africa was eliminated and the power was placed in the hands of the “African National Congress”, with the country thrown back to the third world. In 1994, the average life expectancy of black South Africans reached 64 years, but now it has fallen below 50. The average statistical number of 49 includes data on the white and Asian population of the country, of which the life expectancy is much higher. If we consider the Negro population on its own, its life expectancy is less than 47 years. But South Africa came out on top in the world regarding population infection and AIDS. Post-apartheid South Africa also firmly holds first place in the world in rape, killing and looting. And it set the world record for the lengthiest trial. In 2002, the South African security forces arrested 23 Afrikaners on suspicion of conspiracy to overthrow the government, as well as in the preparation of acts of sabotage. The trial is known as “Boeremag” – the name of the group, which translated from Afrikaans means “Boer force”. 20 people were behind bars pending a court decision. The main point of the charges can be called an analogue of the 64th article in the Soviet Criminal Code. The defendantsm repeatedly met and discussed plans for a separate state for the white part of the territory of South Africa. However, only five of them participated in the preparation of real sabotage. This process is similar to the famous court case that went down in history as the “Rivonia trial” – bearing the name of the town near Johannesburg. On July 11, 1963, 10 leaders of the “African National Congress” were arrested on charges of conspiring to overthrow the government. On their account was by then 221 acts of sabotage. The trial lasted less than two years. The main accused was named Nelson Mandela. The struggle to free Mandela and his associates was conducted all over the world for many years. Not one human rights organization in the world will stand up for the prisoners from the “Boeremag” and none of the advocates of human rights pay attention to the fact that 20 people were held under severe prison conditions not by a court, but in anticipation of the judgment. The lawyer of two of the defendants Paul Kruger told us, “If you compare the Rivonia trial with the Boeremag then in many ways we are forced to recognize the lawlessness in the second”. Accused Wilhelm Pretorius has suffered severe torture that affect his health to this day. I’m not talking about the fact of the length of the trial. Nowhere in the world do you hold the accused in jail for more than 10 years in anticipation of the verdict. Unfortunately, the world is indifferent to what is happening in that country. This is racism. “The world does not want to hear us because we are white, pursued by the black majority. “ A month ago, the court read out the last conviction to all the accused, going all the way over to the prosecutor’s office. But the decision on punishment may take a year, based on the experience of the case. Only one of the accused was suddenly released from prison – the hero of the war on terror in the 80s, Adriaan van Wyk. The judge ruled that, for any turn of events, he did not condemn Van Wyk for a longer period than the one served. After 10 and a half years in a dungeon Adriaan was released. However, he was not allowed contact with his colleagues on the movement for the rights of the Afrikaner and give interviews to the press. The judge’s decision was explained by Attorney Dan Mostert : “First of all I want to say that my client should not have been kept in jail for a single day. His fault was that he was involved in the discussion of plans for the establishment of an independent Afrikaner state. But I want to draw attention to the fact of his release. A month ago, the ‘Voice of Russia’ in English, reported this, and it has been widely replicated. “There is no doubt that it influenced the judge’s decision to set Adrian free. Sometimes we do not understand the importance of publicity. There are times when wide publicity under tyranny saves lives. “ Interestingly, in the 60s and 70s, the Soviet Union, with its propaganda apparatus was the locomotive in the struggle for the accession to power of the ANC in South Africa. This initiative was taken up by liberal circles in Europe and the U.S. – from the early 80s -and their governments. This is what the global front for the abolition of the apartheid regime looked like. White South African government has met the international requirements and gradually transferred power to the black majority led by “the African National Congress”. Since then, the international media has been ignoring the facts of flagrant human rights violations in this country, and have not admitted to their error. An exception is the Russian media, which have repeatedly talked about the systematic extermination of white people in this country. The South African government itself denies the murder of more than fifty thousand of its white citizens, but attributes it to the general wave of crime. But the facts have belied this explanation. In their speeches in English, most of the Negro leaders talk about democracy and equality. However, during the transition to their tribal dialect they openly call for the physical destruction of the Afrikaner. Every person can now find online records of the famous song “Kill the Boer”, that accompanied the entire struggle against the white regime. After coming to power, it was repeatedly performed publicly by Nobel Peace Prize winner Nelson Mandela, together with with his associates. In January this year, the current South African President Jacob Zuma performed once this call for murder on racial grounds in during the African National Congress’s centenary celebrations. The well-known human rights activist, Dr. Dan Roodt, head of the organization for the preservation of the Afrikaner culture PRAAG said in an interview with us that after the call of President Zuma to attack the white minority, the number of attacks on white farmers in South Africa as a whole had increased markedly. “When the President himself publicly calls for the extermination of our people, the radical part of Black youth perceives it as a call to action.” Orignally published in Russian in the newspaper Versia.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 23:15:23 +0000

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