Russia will not need to invade. The Eastern and Southern Ukraine - TopicsExpress


Russia will not need to invade. The Eastern and Southern Ukraine will open its doors and great Russia with bread a salt. Whether the West likes it or not, the East and South of the Ukraine are returning to Russia, either as constituent regions of the Russian Federation or as a new Ukraino-Rus state. The reasons for this are obvious: 1). These regions account for 60% of the GDP and a commensurate amount of the revenue to Kiev for which in return they are told they cannot speak their ancestral language of Russian, their Russian culture is somehow renegade or unpatriotic and that they must send their tax dollars to nationalists in the Center and West who will further curtail their civil rights, producing nothing, living as parasites off of their labor. They prohibit them from speaking their own language, praying in their own churches, even spelling things by their proper spellings: K-I-E-V, K-H-A-R-K-O-V, L-U-G-A-N-S-K, L-V-O-V! 2). The IMF/EU/US loans of billions call for a 50% reduction in pensions, 50% reduction in social spending and have US agribusiness and petroleum companies receiving favorable conditions for economic imperialism in the Eastern and Southern Ukraine. On the backs of Eastern and Southern workers. The EU likewise gets its hand in the industrial regions and the Ukrainian people are left paying for it. The oligarchs Taruta and Kalomoisky get more tax breaks and get to keep the billions they have stolen from the Ukrainian people for cracking down on the East. 3). The Kiev Uniate NAZI JUNTA IS ILLEGAL. 6 ministries of the new government are occupied by Far Right persons and one of them happens to coincide with being responsible for monitoring the elections in May, meaning that whatever moderates are in this junta will either be forced to form a coalition with the Far Right or be replaced by the Far Right. 4). The Neo NAZIs are acting as revolutionary bands, engaging in illegal detentions, people are disappearing, undergoing intimidation and violence, being threatened with murder. They are being empowered by the Kiev NAZI Junta to do so as its ad hoc secret police and internal security paramilitaries. They are responsible for scores of agitators arriving in Eastern and Southern territories to terrorize the populace, put down democratic referendums, and assist despotic oligarchs in their repression of the Russian South and East of the Ukraine. 5). The Ukraine has a functional army of 6000, meaning an armed partisan resistance could overthrow the NAZI junta and will once the terms of the EU/IMF/US austerity regime and its robbing of Ukrainian workers and pensioners to transfer Ukrainian wealth to the West and billions more to the oligarchs is made known. Once the Ukrainian people learn that the NAZI junta has flown the gold reserves of the Ukraine to the NY Federal Reserve and that that gold has been melted down and added to the American federal reserve system, this weak NAZI government will collapse in on itself. 6). Russia is acting by democratic referendum and offering the people of the Ukraine a higher standard of living and a common culture and language without NEO NAZI paramilitary terror and Blue and Yellow mova quackery. The people of the South and East of the Ukraine once they realize that will able to either join Russia or secede with their regions in a new Ukraino-Rus Federation. With Russia, their economic, cultural, religious and national interests are represented and their living standards improve: union with Russia offers them much more than either EU/US austerity or remaining a failed blue and yellow idiotic NAZI artificial state. All of the NEO NAZI Euromaidan astro turf aside, the artificial nation of the Ukraine along with BLUE AND YELLOW MOVA and its FASCIST quackery is done. The South and East will rise against the NAZI junta in Kiev by the end of the year and will seek either a Crimean referendum or a federation with Russia. Kiev and the Center will throw off the Western NAZI LUNATIC Ukraine for a similar type of federation with Russia. So will Carpatho Rus. And Putin will not have to order Russian soldiers to fire a bullet. Ukrainian soldiers, workers and students will be doing it for him. Then combined Russian-Ukrainian-Byelorussian-Carpatho Russian forces will liberate and deNazify Galicia and Volhynia and all the Prometheanist documents will be seized in Lvov and Rovno and made known to the world. It is a bad time to be a lunatic Ukrainian nationalist or schismatic or Uniate.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 09:19:38 +0000

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