Russian Cossacks and activists called Kazan Russian protect - TopicsExpress


Russian Cossacks and activists called Kazan Russian protect Ukraine from Ukrainian fascists Today representatives of Tatarstan regional branch of the motion The essence of time, party Great Fatherland and Kazan Volga Cossack society Cossack army issued a joint appeal to the President of Russia, the Federation Council, the State Duma called for help Russian regions of South-East of Ukraine, the correspondent March 27 IA REGNUM . In the case of capture by the Nazis in Ukraine National tens of millions of Russians and Russian speakers fall into true slavery, and in Kharkov will stand forces of NATO - the statement says. - Our country, Russian and Russian-speakers in Ukraine will be in great danger. Fascism must be stopped, not give him raspolztis Europe. Supports Russian-Ukrainian and anti-fascist has become a necessity for Russia. On how rights are protected by Russian and Russian language in Ukraine, the security of Russia. fascist junta leaders openly threaten mass repression in the south and east of Ukraine, kidnapped and murdered people who oppose them. We encourage use all means to protect Russia and the world of Russian and Ukrainian fascists irresponsible policies of the countries of Western Europe and the United States. Russian-speaking region do not protect themselves from an organized attack pro-Western political forces united junta fascists of all stripes and Ukrainian oligarchs. As unable to protect themselves all the inhabitants of Kiev and other cities were ruled by pro-Western authorities Bandera. Russian and many Ukrainians look at Russia as the only force capable of defending not only their language and culture, but life itself, because this is what it is now. Only the full support of the antifascist movement by all means, can stop fascism in Ukraine. We can not stop until you have solved the problem of the safety of life, language and culture of the Russian-speaking people of Ukraine and guarantees from moving NATO into Ukraine. This solution may lie in the federalization or confederation countries, or in any other form. Overview - addressing these challenges. At a press conference, representatives of organizations who signed the appeal, told about their methods of combating the threat of rising Nazism and separatism among the youth. So, the head of the regional branch of Essence of Time Elena Baltina said that a hundred schools in Kazan volunteers spread newspaper Steps of history in which teenagers talk about anniversaries of national history. Historical memory, according Baltina allows resist pilling youth in various forms of extremism. Free press As Moscow authorities plan to pull out from the collapse Crimean window for Transnistria Representative of the Cossacks Edward Nurullin said that Kazan Cossacks conducted summer camps for teenagers, which are engaged in the preparation of a new generation of patriotic. Also, some representatives of the Kazan Cossacks at the time of the Crimean referendum on his own initiative served on the peninsula, where the composition of local self-defense units kept order and security of the free will of the inhabitants of the Crimea.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 21:40:53 +0000

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