Russian Parents Network () Closed Group A group for Russian - TopicsExpress


Russian Parents Network () Closed Group A group for Russian parents to exchange ideas and suggestions. Now with 42% more humor! a.k.a CCCP - Социальная Сеть Советских Родителей THE RULES: ------------------------ 1 - When asking for recommendations, please specify the location. We have members from all over the world, so dont assume were all in Brooklyn. 2 - Please respect this group’s advertising policy: All ads will be allowed on Mondays ET. Any ads posted on any other day of the week will be deleted. Repeated offenders will be banned. 3 - Try to keep bumps to a minimum. Everyone wants their post to be on top but please be mindful of the rest of the people in the group. Dont worry, theyll see your post. If you MUST bump, keep it to once a day at most. 4 - Use search. There are many topics that have been discussed in the past - do a search before you ask. 5 - No abuse / No spam. we maintain this group with very little moderation and oversight. we allow posting of just about anything but if youre going to spam the group or abuse its members, you will be banned. 6 - Dont start your posts with Ladies - there are plenty of men here and its disrespectful to think only women have all the answers ASK RPN: ---------------------- If you wish to ask a question of the group anonymously, please pm either of the admins and we will post the question on your behalf. 7,215 members Elena Sysovskaya, Evguenia Razinkova and 5 other friends are in this group Joined More Options Russian Speaking World. Русскоговорящий Мир. Public Group Мы в 2009 году создали наш Русско-Американский Мир. При этом мы надеялись, что в нем в основном будут русские и американцы, говорящие по русски. Но оказалось, что носить высокое звание Мирчане (так мы называем всех в нашем Русско-Американском Мире, ведь наш Мир-Мирный), имеют желание со всех стран Мира. В наш Русско-Американский Мир подали заявки на вступление из Европы, Азии Австралии, Северной и Южной Америки. И мы поняли, что название нашего Мира не совсем соответствует желающим из других стран и континентов общаться на русском языке. Русско-Американский Мир остается и по-прежнему расчитывает на поддержку мирчан из России и США. А вот Russian Speaking World/ Русскоговрящий Мир свою задачу видит в объединении всех Мирчан на планете Земля. Вступление в наш Мир-абсолютно бесплатное. Соответственно он не подвержен никаким экономическим кризисам и мировым проблемам. Он будет процветать всегда! Этот Мир для всех тех, кто: 1. Хочет поддерживать Мир на планете Земля. 2. Нуждается в помощи и может оказать помощь. 3. Может оказать услуги: информационные, в покупке и продаже недвижимости, туристические, иммиграционные, в поиске и приеме на работу и мн. др. 4. Желает познакомиться и найти себе друга-мирчанку или мирчанина в любой стране Мира. Давайте сделаем Наш Русскоговорящий Мир процветающим! Преумножайте и берегите его, он в наших с Вами руках!!! 3,397 members Anna Dvornikova, Arina Karlina and 20 other friends are in this group Joined More Options Russian American World Public Group Приглашаются все желающие для общения, изучения языка, совместного участия в общественных и культурных мероприятиях, обмена информацией о бизнесах. Это группа для всех тех, кто: 1. Нуждается в помощи и может оказать помощь. 2. Желает познакомиться и найти себе друга. 3. Может оказать услуги: информационные, переводческие, в покупке и продаже недвижимости, туристические, нотариальные, иммиграционные, в заполнении налоговых форм, в поиске и приеме на работу и мн. др. Давайте поможем друг другу! И будьте все счастливы! Уважаемые участники! - Мы воздерживаемся от политики, национальности и религиозности. - Относитесь с уважением друг к другу. 2,212 members Arina Karlina, Arsenie Yeremin and 15 other friends are in this group Joined More Options Russian Parents Closed Group This group is for Russian speaking parents who are mostly based in the US and want to give their kids the best of both American and Russian culture. This group is also a Facebook home of the Russian Parents Yahoo group. 4,378 members Yana Connors, Anna Bikman and 9 other friends are in this group Joined More Options Russian advertising in USA Public Group RussianLA RusCalifornia TicketsR MagazineFACT 570 members Anna Watt, Olga Show Chervyakova and 15 other friends are in this group Joined More Options Russian LA Public Group Russian LA caters to a Russian speaking community who are interested in discovering various cultural events in Los Angeles and surrounding areas. The events consist of but not limited to Festivals, Nightlife, Fashion, Film, Arts, etc. ********************************************* Группа входит в сеть русских групп Русские в Америке - Russian America facebook/group.php?gid=10463308641 ********************************************* 2,082 members Arsenie Yeremin, Alexander Re and 13 other friends are in this group Request sent More Options Russian Parents in SF Bay Area Public Group 85 members Yana Connors, Anna Watt and 9 other friends are in this group Joined More Options Russian Moms in Palo Alto, California Closed Group Добро пожаловать! Наша группа создана с целью знакомства для всех русско-говорящих родителей и детей 0-6 лет, которые живут в районе Palo Alto, California, USA. Мы встречаемся 2 разa в месяц в Blossom Birth для общения и игр на русском языке. 214 members Anna Margolis, Yana Connors and 22 other friends are in this group Join More Options Russian Comedy Club LA - Friends Public Group Open group for Friends and Fans of Russian Comedy Club LA! 2,079 members Arina Karlina, Arsenie Yeremin and 14 other friends are in this group Join More Options Russian Events in SEATTLE, WA Closed Group This is a moderated group containing publications of events targeting broad Russian-speaking Seattle community. Discussions are not allowed. Please email [email protected] or contact one of the admins directly to post an event. 2,668 members Michael Milirud, Yulianna Lyanskaya and 7 other friends are in this group Joined More Options Russian Student Association [Stanford-RSA] Closed Group Russian-speaking Student Association at Stanford University Website: 488 members Michael Milirud, Anna Dvornikova and 15 other friends are in this group Join More Options Russian Diskoteka on the Peninsula Public Group Russian parties on SF Peninsula and in South Bay 190 members Mariya Milovidova, Arina Karlina and 17 other friends are in this group Join More Options Russian Moishe House SF Public Group This group is dedicated to building a Russian Jewish community by organizing events and acting as a hub for Russian Speaking Jews in the Bay Area. We host events at our Moishe House as well as local outings. 595 members Irina Kurtsevaya, Andrei Igal Lopatenko and 9 other friends are in this group Join More Options Russian Speaking Group of USA Public Group Think about benefits of this group - if you go somewhere/move, you could ask about that place - who is the real estate agent, where to rent, what to do etc. Anything useful and interesting. Maybe it is a place to share your point of view, discuss any new trends or just find new friends. :-) 467 members Arina Karlina, Anna Watt and 6 other friends are in this group Joined More Options AmBAR - American Business Association of Russian-Speaking Professionals Public Group AmBAR is a business association of entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, engineers, lawyers and other professionals with headquarters in Silicon Valley. https://facebook/ Started as an organization of expatriates from Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries that are involved in technology businesses in the United States, AmBAR has grown into a large network in which innovators and entrepreneurs of all origins can exchange ideas and business contacts. The association was launched in 2002 by a group of business professionals and entrepreneurs, representing leading Silicon Valley companies: Sun Microsystems, Intel Capital, and Draper Fisher Jurvetson. The AmBAR membership base today includes more than 2000 business professionals. AmBAR creates a unique platform to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and business contacts between technology entrepreneurs, professionals, and investors. The organization is also dedicated to accelerating access to capital for innovative projects and developing technology partnerships between Russia, Ukraine and other FSU countries and the United States. Through various seminars and conferences AmBAR provides educational programs that help entrepreneurs refine their business plans, and advance their product development and marketing efforts. 3,476 members Anna Dvornikova, Mariya Milovidova and 56 other friends are in this group Joined More Options Russian Canada-Русская Канада Public Group Формирование и создание общественно-политического объединения русскоговорящих канадцев. Все о жизни русскоговорящей общины Канады. Обмен информацией, событиями, впечатлениями, идеями. Знакомства. Фотографии и видео интересных мест в Канаде. Организация пикников, фестивалей, ярмарок, выставок, конференций, встреч по интересам, вечеров отдыха. Создание групп и клубов по интересам. Выдвижение наших кандидатов в состав представительных и исполнительных органов власти Канады. Учреждение и создание Русского информационно-культурного центра. Популяризация русского языка и культуры. Иммиграция в Канаду (советы, программы, форум, вопросы, связанные с переездом). Админы не несут никакой ответственности за высказывания участников группы и вполне возможно, что не разделяют мнения участников группы. В то же время будут продолжать убирать посты, которые оскорбляют и унижают участников группы и не соответствуют правилам и нормам, принятым в нормальном человеческом обществе и на Facebook. Admins are not responsible for the contents of the posts in group. 7,777 members Michael Milirud, Arina Karlina and 4 other friends are in this group Joined More Options Russian California Public Group 765 members Elena Tolstova, Kirill Mogilev and 8 other friends are in this group Request sent More Options The Bay Area Russian Language Meetup Public Group Open to Russian Speakers, Russian Expats, Travelers to Russia, People Married to Russians, Russians Married to People, Parents Adopting Russians, People whove worked in Russia, People who`ve lived in Russia... The Bay Area Russian Language Meetup group is created for Russian speakers & Russian culture lovers living in or near San Francisco, Peninsula, Silicon Valley. Our happy hours, dinner gatherings or meetings provide a great opportunity where our members can easily meet and learn from each other. Whether you are a native Russian Speaker, looking to practice your Russian or simply meeting people who love Russian culture, you will find this to be a wonderful way of meeting some amazing friends. Join us today! 534 members Michael Milirud, Mariya Milovidova and 30 other friends are in this group Joined More Options Russian Programmers Network (Bay Area +) Closed Group Group for Russian Programmers Network In Bay Area (and beyond). 259 members Arina Karlina, Yuri Goroshko and 11 other friends are in this group Join More Options Russian Mafia/Werewolves in Bay Area Public Group Мы собираемся время от времени, чтобы поиграть в мафию. Мафия - это простая и весёлая игра, которая улучшает навыки бытового общения, логики и психологии, но это всё ерунда по-сравнению с тем количеством удовольствия, которое она приносит. Если вы никогда не играли - можно почитать здесь НО гораздо веселее и проще прийти на следующую встречу, где мы вас научим. Мы все - мирные жители, до наступления ночи... Помимо мафии мы также играем в игры похожие на мафию, такие как Ultimate Werewolf, The Resistance: Avalon, etc и иногда в Шляпу и Крокодил ( (aka Корова). Обязательно приводите своих друзей. 200 members Andrei Igal Lopatenko, Arina Karlina and 9 other friends are in this group Join More Options Russian American Ashkenazi Jews Closed Group A Virtual home for Russian Speaking Jews and our friends. Be sure to This group is a social community for Russian Jews to gather and make new friends. If you are proud of your Russian and your Jewish cultural and traditional heritage, this group is for you. This group is about Kabbalah, Kiddush Cups, BMWs, Armani suits, The Holy Land, and your cute sister. Please keep it civil. Anyone who cannot make an intelligent argument and turns to insults will be warned and moderated, and might be removed for continuous offences. Also, there are many haters out there who are jealous of our success and too stupid to understand that they can achieve the same thing if they could only put the beer down more often and grab a book instead. So please dont post dumb Antisemitic material that some looser posted up somewhere. Lets keep the negativity out of this group. Regarding Advertisements: We tried it, and found that eventually the people who advertise become much bigger posters then those who are interested in having discussions, and interest in the group diminishes. So from now on... Im banning ads. You you want your add posted ask an Admin, submit a link to one of them, and if they like you... they will post it, but from now on all ads will be deleted, and anyone who consistently breaks this rule will be banned. Most add posters do not participate in the group anyway... so they will not be missed much. Remember Big Brother is always watching!!! Thank you, and welcome. :) join our fan page, as well: WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/OFFICIALRUSSIANJEWS ** To all Bullshit profile people trying to get in, to market bullshit MLM, china knockoff iphones, timeshares and other such nonsense.. Know this; I am checking everyone who asks to get in. I can smell bullshit from a mile away. Reapplying numerous times or creating new fake profiles will only waste your time *** 6,618 members Irina Kurtsevaya, Michael Milirud and 10 other friends are in this group Join More Options RUSSIAN AMERICANS Public Group RUSSIAN AMERICANS - это Газета НЕДЕЛЬКА Радио НЕДЕЛЬКА 150 members Yelena Bannikova, Елена Алексеевна and 3 other friends are in this group Joined More Options TheaterYOU, Russian Theater in Mountain View, CA Public Group Address: 1045B Linda Vista Avenue, Mountain View, CA 94043 Tel (408)368-6067 Email [email protected] 1,028 members Mariya Milovidova, Arina Karlina and 69 other friends are in this group Join More Options Travel Tips (Russian SFBA+) Closed Group Camping, hiking, hotels and other travel recommendations and tips that are so useful for many of us in San Francisco Bay Area+. Local travels mostly. Road trips and other travels on the west coast. No ads that are not for local travels, please! (it will be removed). Group is for Russian Community and most posts are in Russian Language. Lets Share! ;) 724 members Mariya Milovidova, Andrei Igal Lopatenko and 41 other friends are in this group Join More Options Russians living in America Closed Group The U.S. Census Bureau estimates there are some 3,000,000 Russians living in the United States. This group was created as a place where Russians could network with their fellow expats in America. 1,277 members Anna Dvornikova, Arina Karlina and 13 other friends are in this group Request sent More Options Russian Business LA Closed Group You are welcome to post any business offers, ideas, events and promotions. 661 members Елена Алексеевна, Andrey Strigin and 3 other friends are in this group Joined More Options Russian New York Public Group Russians in New York. Business, Concerts, Parties 4,102 members Alexandra Grigoryeva, Natasha Nikolaeva and 6 other friends are in this group Join More Options Creative Minds - for Russian Ladies of Bay Area! Closed Group For RUSSIAN LADIES ONLY! Есть любимое хобби? or passion? А может попробуем что-то новое для себя? ;) How about thematic events of any kind?! Делимся опытом! Обсуждаем успехи! Группа креатива и хорошего настроения! ;) Реклама в группе своих изделий на продажу (!) допускается не чаще 1 раза в месяц. Правилонарушителей придется предупреждать 1 раз и удалять на 2-ой. Давайте уважать друг друга и не превращать группу в бизнес, для этого можно создать отдельную или писать в существующую группу Купи-Продай! :) Спасибо за понимание. 492 members Mariya Milovidova, Arina Karlina and 38 other friends are in this group Join More Options Peninsula Russian-Speaking Business Owners Networking Public Group The purpose of this group is to create a community of Russian-speaking entrepreneurs and business owners located in the South Bay and on the Peninsula, to share marketing ideas and exchange business leads. We meet every FIRST Friday of the month for a breakfast at 9:30am at MINI COFFEE Cafe 800 S B Street #500, San Mateo 94401 for breakfast. Come prepared with your business cards and other literature and be ready to introduce yourself and your business to the group. 118 members Anna Margolis, Masha Merkulova and 16 other friends are in this group Joined More Options Русские в Сан-Франциско - Russian San Francisco Public Group Facebook group about Russian cultural events in San Francisco and surrounding areas. Группа о культурных событиях русского Сан-Франциско и окресностей. Affiliated SF Bay Area page https://facebook/russiansf ********************************************* Группа входит в сеть русских групп Русские в Америке - Russian America facebook/group.php?gid=10463308641 ********************************************* 1,641 members Mariya Milovidova, Yulianna Lyanskaya and 46 other friends are in this group Request sent More Options От Сиона до Силикона: Russian Jews of Silicon Valley Closed Group 381 members Andrei Igal Lopatenko, Anna Margolis and 16 other friends are in this group Join More Options Russian Moms of Teens Public Group This is a group where only Russian moms from the Bay Area, CA get together about once a month to share, support, and learn from each other. We speak only Russian at our meeting, and its for moms only, no dads:) Just a girl talk. 155 members Larisa W-s, Irina Hodyakina and 5 other friends are in this group Join More Options UC Berkeley Russian Student Association Public Group The UC Berkeley Russian Student Association unites two student organizations based at the University of California at Berkeley: Russian Club and Russian-speaking Graduate Student Society. Our goals are to inspire the exploration and understanding of the cultures of Russia and the former Soviet Union, to provide a place for the Russian-speaking community get-together and to promote diversity on campus. Absolutely everybody who has an interest is welcomed. You do not need to be a Cal student to join. Our website: Our youtube channel: youtube/UCBRussianclub (Culture Show performances) 544 members Irina Kurtsevaya, Michael Milirud and 18 other friends are in this group Join More Options Natural Russian Moms Closed Group This group is for Russian Moms in SF Bay Area to talk about natural alternatives for treatment of childhoold diseases, alternative vaccination schedules, and anything else pregnancy, birth and child care related. 555 members Yana Connors, Anna Watt and 19 other friends are in this group Join More Options Russians - Construction, Remodeling and Interior Design in Bay Area Public Group This group is for everyone who is interested in Construction, Remodeling and Interior Design in Bay Area, California. We would like to discuss topics related to architecture, interior design, where to get decent finish materials, how to get trough the construction process, permits, contractors selection and more. Any design ideas are also appreciated. 304 members Marina Zubkova, Iryna Musatenko and 4 other friends are in this group Join More Options Russian Miami Public Group Russians in Miami 2,796 members Natasha Nikolaeva, Oscar Bo and 3 other friends are in this group Request sent More Options Russian Mixer | San Diego (RussianMixerSD) Public Group Russian Mixer | San Diego - русскоязычный информационный портал нашего города, созданный в 2008 году с целью объединения русскоязычной общественности нашего города. Эта группа для всех жителей Сан Диего и окрестностей, кто говорит или понимает по-русски, для тех, кто ищет знакомств и общения или просто хочет быть в курсе событий, происходящих в нашей community. Здесь будут публиковаться полезные ресурсы, новости и информация о значимых русскоязычных мероприятиях. Общайтесь, знакомьтесь, приглашайте друзей, миксуйте и, как водится, HAVE FUN! 1,081 members Larisa W-s, Natasha Nikolaeva and 5 other friends are in this group Join More Options Russian Book Babies Public Group Russian book babies in Blossom Birth. Почитайка на русском языке в blossom birth 87 members Marina Solomatnikova, Iryna Musatenko and 4 other friends are in this group Join More Options RUSSIAN COMMUNITY CENTER, REDMOND, WA Public Group Русский Общественный Центр штата Вашингтон, в г. Редмонд, США 2011 152 Ave NE, Redmond, WA, 98052 885 members Michael Milirud, Liudmila Malyugin and Tat Yana are in this group Joined More Options Russian Boston Public Group Что делать в Бостоне? Information about all Russian Boston events. Concerts, festivals, performances, KVN, comedy, mixers, nightlife, clubs etc. This forum is moderated and diligently maintained. Absolutely no spam and unrelated content. Any posts not related to Boston events will result in immediate ban of the user. Only Bostonians can join. If you feel your request to join was denied inaccurately please contact administrator with detailed explanation. We do not accept users from other cities looking to market and cross promote. We do not accept users who join more than 25 groups. We do not accept users who do not specify location in their profile. [Like] our page at facebook/myrussianboston 2,055 members Alexander Re, Natasha Nikolaeva and 2 other friends are in this group Join More Options Russian Sarasota, Florida- Русская Сарасота,Флорида Public Group Russian Sarasota Facebook Вам интересно, что происходит в русскоязычной Сарасоте? Вы хотите участвовать в бурной культурной жизни нашего города? Вы хотите познакомиться поближе с русскоязычными жителями и хотите окунуться в культуру, то тогда сюда --> russiansarasota/ 912 members Patricia Pekker, Liudmila Malyugin and 2 other friends are in this group Joined More Options Russian American Real Estate Association - RAREA Public Group Приглашаем всех, кто интересуется недвижимостью, принять участие в Russian American Real Estate Association - RAREA. Принять участие могут как компании, так и каждый желающий. Помощь русскоговорящими агентами по недвижимости. Лучшие инвестиции, агенты, проекты, консультации. 1,409 members Natasha Nikolaeva, Iryna Musatenko and 5 other friends are in this group Join More Options Russian Events in Portland and Oregon Public Group Добро Пожаловать Друзья! Дайте знать что у Bас или у нас всех происходит! There are many Russian speaking people and people who came from former Soviet Union live in Portland and Oregon. Lets get connected and let all of us know what is going on in our circles. If you have an event want people to know about it please write to any of administrators and we will create an event for you or simply write, link, post the information on the wall. Well try to make it simple for everybody. 1,074 members Michael Milirud, Arsenie Yeremin and 3 other friends are in this group Join More Options Russian Events in SoCal Public Group Модерируемая группа для публикации русскоязычных (физических) мероприятий в Южной Калифорнии. Друзья!!! Эта группа для русскоязычных (физических) событий Южной Калифорнии. Не более 1го поста в неделю. Скрытая реклама и ее авторы будут удаляться, надеюсь на понимание! 780 members Mariya Milovidova, Olga Show Cherv
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 04:19:19 +0000

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